Page 30 of Baby Bodyguard

“You’re wrong because the situation wouldn’t arise in the first place. Idon’t make people mad enough to want revenge.”

“Come on, Sami.”

“I’m serious.” She ticked off on her fingers. “I annoy them, though it’s never deliberate. Ifrustrate them, but it’s sort of an amused exasperation. Ipeeve, Iprovoke, Idefy logic. Ieven bemuse, bewilder, and beset people.” She grinned. “But mostly I get along with everyone.”

His gaze had softened during her citation, ahalf-smile curving the corner of the most kissable mouth she’d ever had the pleasure to sample. “You’re just one of those people everyone likes. Is that it?”


“I can almost believe it,” he muttered.

“Now that we’ve gotten that straightened out.” Scooping up Mr. Woof, she hopped off the bed. “Are you ready to start work or would you like to have another philosophical discussion? Or are you going to take the rest of the day off like I suggested and familiarize yourself with the place?”

“Give me a few minutes to clean up and I’ll join you and Widget out back.”

“Great. I’ll see you there.” She paused at the door and offered her sunniest smile. “See how accommodating I am? Now how could you stay angry with someone like me, let alone want to take revenge?”

Not giving him time to comment—she wasn’t that idiotic—she closed the door with a good-naturedbang.

I don’t makepeople mad enough to want revenge,Sami claimed.

The minute the door closed behind her, Noah pulled an envelope from his back pocket and studied it. He’d found it sitting in plain sight on a table in her front hallway. No doubt the contents would give lie to her statement. He didn’t possess a single doubt it had been put there by the blackmailer. The thick creamy paper and the neatly printed handwriting matched the one Babe had shown him. Whomever had written it wasn’t taking many precautions and if Noah were allowed to involve the authorities, they’d have this guy nailed pronto.

Fumbling for his glasses, he opened the unsealed envelope and removed the single sheet.

Time’s running out. Pay now or measures will be taken.Soon.

Succinct and to the point. The words sent a chill through him that ate straight to his bones. What the hell had Sami done to get this person so angry? Because she was right. She excelled at bemusing, bewildering, and besetting. But she also was the sweetest, most generous person he’d ever met. Even as she frustrated, she made him laugh. And to hold her in his arms, to cover her mouth with his…

He closed his eyes. Something about this note bothered him, but sharing that kiss with Sami had gotten him so confused, hecouldn’t think straight. As though sensing his irritation, Loner whined in concern, shoving his muzzle against Noah’shand.

He stroked Loner’s ruff, infuriated by his inability to consider the matter logically. Damn it! Babe had warned him. She’d seen through him from the start, recognizing a man who, like the wolf beneath his hand, would remain faithful and committed to his mate, loving her for the rest of hislife.

Noah had known for years he was destined to remain alone until he met the other half of his soul. How the hell could he have suspected she might take the form of a wary butterfly, garbed in a rainbow of sunshine and determined to soar high and free? One, moreover, oblivious to the net poised just above her flyaway curls?

He set his jaw. Whether or not Sami knew it, she’d just gained two protectors, both of whom would fight for her against any and all adversaries. “We’ll make sure she doesn’t get hurt, right, boy?”

Loner shook himself from head to tail and scampered awkwardly toward the bedroomdoor.

“That’s right. Let’s go find Sami. We don’t want to leave her alone.” He gave Loner a new hand signal, acombination of two the animal already knew. “Guard Sami. Do you understand, fella? Guard Sami.”

He opened the door, allowing Loner to follow his instructions. Returning the sheet of paper to the envelope, Noah came to a decision. This was the last note he’d receive. If another message arrived, he’d turn it over to the police and to hell with Babe. Whomever was blackmailing Sami knew her. He was brazen in his approach. And he had access to the house. Noah winced. Either that or she’d neglected to lock the front door—adistinct possibility.

He didn’t have much time and after his latest conversation with Sami, he doubted she’d provide any insight. Everyone liked Sami. No one would want to take revenge on her. He slapped the envelope against his thigh.

No one it would seem… except thisguy.

“Uncle Reggie!”Sami exclaimed. “Perfect timing. That’s two visits in three days. How lucky can I get?”

“Actually, my dear, Idropped by to speak to you.”

“Can it wait? Noah’s come up with a great idea and you’d be a perfect addition to our group. We’re going to run through a practice interview session with Widget, Daria, and Carmela. Usually we just work with Widget, but yesterday Noah suggested we try it this way so the others gain some experience, too. Rosie agreed to watch the children and I need you to catch any mistakes we make.” She coaxed him with a smile. “You’re so good at spotting things others don’t. Will you help?”

He straightened his bow tie. “It would be my pleasure.”

“I knew you’d agree. You’re such a sweetie.” She linked arms with him. “We’re hoping if Widget has others there to encourage her, it’ll give her some much-needed self-confidence. We’re trying to get her to speak up when she answers questions instead of whispering.”

“Widgetisa bit shy.”