“Like you did today with Widget?”
He inclined his head. “That worked out, don’t you think?”
“You were a bit on the bossy side,” she mentioned cautiously.
“You’ll get used to it.”
Crud. “Don’t count on it. Ilike things done my way.”
“Another reason you’re foregoing the pleasure of a husband?”
“Ouch. Ithought we were going to avoid that subject.”
“True.” He picked up his empty duffel bag and opened the closet door, placing it on the floor. “Talk to me about Widget. Where did you find her?”
Another subject she’d rather avoid discussing. “She found me.”
Noah glanced over his shoulder, studying her closely. She had the uneasy impression he busily analyzed everything she said and did. She found it uncomfortable in the extreme, as though every word, every expression came under intense scrutiny.
“Tell me more.”
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Giving orders.”
“It’s a natural talent.”
“Cute.” Something in his expression prompted an explanation she hadn’t intended to offer. “We sort of ran into each other one day.”
“Sort of?”
She couldn’t get out of this. He had a way of staring at her until the truth tumbled free. She couldn’t even think of a good alternate topic with which to distract him. Now why was that? Going off on tangents didn’t usually give her any trouble.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m aware of that. I’m also aware that you’re trying to change the subject. That means the circumstances must havebeen unpleasant.” He nodded in satisfaction. “I see by your expression I guessed right.”
“How do you do that?”
He shook his head. “It’s not going to work, sweetheart. Iwon’t be distracted. Come on,” he coaxed. “Confess. How did you run into each other? Did you have a fender bender?”
“Did you crash shopping carts?”
“Oh, please.”
“More interesting than that? Okay, let’s see… You both fell in a vat of chocolate down in Ghirardelli Square. You knocked each other over inline skating.” He snapped his fingers. “I have it. You were both locked up in the same prison cell on Alcatraz Island. Am I close?”
“No, no, no and—let me think—no.”
“You might as well tell me. I’m not going to give up or let you change the subject.”
“All right, fine!” Darn it all. “I met Widget when she snatched my purse. There. Happy?”