“Forget it. I’m not that desperate.”
The door banged closed behind him and Sami planted her hands on her hips. “Now what am I supposed to do?”
“I have a suggestion.”
“Find yourself a husband. Then you can make as many babies as you want. It’s safer. And it’s smarter.”
“Oh, dear,” an amused voice came from the direction of the front door. “Am I interrupting?”
Noah placed himself squarely in front of Sami. “You are, if you’re here for the interview.”
She banged on his back. Not that it made much impression. The man felt like he’d been constructed from steel rather than mere blood and bone. “Move out of the way, you crazy man. He’s not here for the interview.”
“Loner?” The dog lifted his head, sniffed the air, then relaxed again. With a nod, Noah stepped to one side. “Okay. It’s safe.”
Sami glared. “You think?” Unfortunately, Noah proved as impervious to her sarcasm as to her fist. Brushing past him, she threw her arms around her visitor, relieved to have a minute to recover her equilibrium. Her brand new man Friday was entirely too disconcerting. “Uncle Reggie! How wonderful to see you.”
“Hello, my dear,” Reggie Fontaine replied, affection clear in his voice. “How are you?”
“I’m fine.” She grabbed his impeccably ironed collar, crumpling it in her enthusiasm, and gave him a quick kiss. “Where have you been? It’s like you dropped off the face of the earth. I’ve missed you.”
“I’m sorry, my dear. Sometimes business gets in the way of pleasure.” He glanced at Noah. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
She’d rather not. Unfortunately, considering her uncle’s obsession with “proper” behavior, she didn’t have much choice. “Oh, sorry. This is Noah Hawke. Noah, this is my uncle Reggie Fontaine.”
Reggie’s brows grew together as the two shook hands. “Hawke… Hawke… Now why is that name familiar?”
“You’re thinking of Mel Hawke,” Sami hastened to explain. “Mother’s ex-fiancé? Noah’s distantly related.”
An odd emotion shifted across Reggie’s face. “Is Mel back in Babe’s life? Ithought that was over and done with.”
Noah didn’t wait for Sami to respond. “No, he’s not back in her life. Yes, it is over and done with. And that’s not why I’m here.” He paused a beat. “I’m Sami’s employee.”
“Employee?” Reggie stared in surprise, his gentle blue eyes filled with a combination of curiosity and concern. “I have been away too long. When did this happen?”
Sami glanced from one to the other, sensing some silent, intensely masculine communication between the two men that sent prickles of unease chasing down her spine. “Just now.”
“I’m a birthday present from Babe.” He folded his arms across his chest and planted himself squarely in front of Sami’s uncle. “Whatever Ms. Fontaine needs, I’m to give her.”
Reggie lifted an eyebrow. “Anything?”
“Anything,” Noah confirmed.
Sami squirmed her way between the two men. An elbow to Noah’s gut helped, though she suspected it caused more damageto her than to him. She massaged the bruise. Impossible man! “I believe you neglected to mention that part.”
“You’ll have to excuse the lapse,” Noah replied in a distinctly unapologetic tone of voice. “We haven’t had much time to go over my job description. Ithought we could do that when I moved in.”
“Moved in?” Reggie glanced from one to the other in alarm. “Do you think that’s wise?”
Noah offered a smile as innocent as that of a fallen angel. It suited his dark attire and pale, silvery eyes. His wolf-dog shifted to sit alertly at his master’s heels, adding to Noah’s dangerous appearance. “How else can I give her everything she needs?”
“Excuse us, please.” Reggie grasped Sami’s arm and pulled her to one side. “Have you looked into this man’s background? Is he safe to have in the house with you?” he asked in a low voice.
“No, Ihaven’t looked into his background,” she answered patiently. She peeked at Noah, suspecting he could hear every word. Sure enough, an ironic gleam drifted into his calm gaze. “He was hired by Babe. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll find out whether she’s checked into his background.”
“You know how much I care for your mother. But she…” Reggie sighed. “I don’t mean to sound rude, my dear. But your mother’s not the most cautious woman in the world. I’d be very surprised if she did anything other than catch a glimpse of Mr. Hawke’s impressive physique and give her stamp of approval based on no more than her infamous instincts. Though why she believes they’re in the least accurate defies all logic.”