Page 65 of Just This Once

“Whatever,” he growled and started shoving books into a backpack. “I was ready to go anyway.” A second later, he muttered, “Friendly, my ass.”

I glanced over at Waverly to make sure she hadn’t taken offense, but she merely watched him with a slight squint as if she couldn’t figure him out.

Once Keene was done, he moodily pushed his way to his feet and cast her a sour scowl as he approached.

“Tattletale,” he muttered.

She sent a catty smirk back and waved. “Bye-bye now.”

Jarring to an enraged halt, he seethed. “You know, you’ve had it out for me since the first day I stepped into this library. And I don’t recall doing anything to piss you offthismuch.”

She scoffed and narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, youwouldn’t.”

“Holy shit.” His mouth fell open. “Ididdo something.” He glanced toward me as if I would know what he’d done. But when I merely shrugged, he spun back to Waverly and winced. “Oh God. Did we have sex together?”

“What?” she exploded incredulously. “No! What the hell?”

Keene looked a little chagrined when he lifted one shoulder. “I mean?—”

“Trust me,” she snapped. “You’d remember if we had.”

His eyebrows shot up with interest. “Really?”

With a disgusted snort, she glanced at me and demanded, “Can you please get him out of here already?”

It seemed tactless to mention that I’d actually been hoping for some popcorn to watch more of their show. But sadly, the best part was over now, so I reached for my dumbass friend. “Come on, idiot. Let’s go.”

As I dragged him away, he glanced over his shoulder at Waverly as if seeing her for the first time, and I could tell he was mentally trying out every kinky position he could think of with her.

Poor girl had no idea she’d just ignited his curiosity in the worst possible way.

Just like Hope had sparked mine.

But thinking of her only made my gut burn.

“Can you believe her?” Keene hissed as soon as we hit the stairs. “She acts as ifIstarted this whole pissing match between us.”

I shrugged. “It kind of sounds like you did.”

“Pfft. Whatever. She’s on crack. I didn’t do shit to her.”

“Looked like you wanted to for a minute there, though,” I goaded just to get him going.

He spun to send me a dismayed glance. “Excuse me?”

“What?” I lifted my hands as we reached the ground floor. “You were fucking intrigued. Admit it.”

Keene made a disgusted face as if to disagree, only to say, “I mean…”

And when he said no more, I leaned close to whisper, “Duggie wants to bang Library Girl.”

He pulled away so fast, exclaiming, “The fuck if I do!” that I’m surprised he didn’t give himself whiplash.

One of the faculty librarians looked up from his desk where he’d been typing on his computer, and he sent us a censuring glance.

But Keene didn’t even notice him. “The only thing I’ve pictured myself doing to that girl isstranglingher.”

“Hey, if that’s your kink.” I lifted one shoulder and tipped my head to accept it.