I wasn’t sure how the fuck she’d known that would affect me the way it had—because I sure as hell hadn’t—but she’d definitely found my new weakness.
Union had been right; she had a sixth sense for our hot buttons. And she liked to push them relentlessly until she drove each one of us insane.
And now I was jonesing for sex so badly, it felt as if I wanted to claw my way out of my own damn body for a rough and ready tumble.
So here I was, the creepy graduatedoldguy, back at HaveU and scouring the campus for someone to help me appease the hunger.
Stationed strategically at a small table for two in the student union cafeteria, I glanced up from my laptop when I glimpsed smoothed, tanned legs walking past in my peripheral vision.
The girl strolling by wore shorts and a tank top, and I admired her legs for a second longer before lifting my gaze enough to make eye contact. From there, my interest fizzled out, but I could tellshewas interested. She was attractive too. If I gave her the barest hint of an acknowledgment, I think she’d change course and come over to say hi.
But gah, she looked so young. And I already felt too much like the creepy old fucker at the moment.
Didn’t matter that I’d been a student with them barely four months ago. I suddenly felt…ancient among these clueless kids.
I gave the chick a vague, not-interested, keep-walking narrowing of the eyes. And I really didn’t know why. She’d honestly been a prime candidate. She’d just been too…
Hell, I don’t even know. But she’d been toosomethingfor whatever I was craving, even though today was definitelynotthe day I should get picky. I needed this shit out of my system. ASAP.
Laughter from a table across the way caused me to lift my attention to find all the seats full of more possibilities that seemed completely acceptable for a long, steamy afternoon roll in the sheets. And they were looking this way.
I sighed, however, when not a single one of them stirred me.
“Fucking hell,” I muttered, running a hand over my hair in frustration and returning my attention to my screen as I waited for a list of search results to pop up.
When I found a link to Devon Roark, who worked as a sales rep for a book vendor company, attached to a picture of the dick who’d harassed Hope at the airport, I started to research the vendor.
Regal Library Service was a wholesaler who just happened to be up for sale. I started to dig deeper into the company just as someone approached my table.
“Excuse me?” a female voice asked above me.
When I looked up, I knew she was from the giggling table. Up close, she was even prettier than she’d been from across the room, and she had a set of tits on her that could keep me occupied for hours. But all Ifeltwas irritation that she’d interrupted me just when my research was getting interesting.
“Aren’t you Parker Ohrley?” The girl asked as she leaned down to rest her hands on the table so she could give me a glimpse down the front of her shirt.
I took my time checking out what she offered before lifting my gaze to hers and saying, “Who’s asking?”
My suspicious tone caused her to falter. Straightening, she flushed as she motioned back to her girls. “Oh. My friends and I were just talking. Didn’t you, like, recently fund a new building on campus or something? Over by Business and Marketing.” With a laugh, she twisted a piece of hair around her finger. “Actually, the first time I heard someone say your name, I thought they were saying Parker or Lee, like they didn’t know what to really call you. That H in Ohrley’s really confusing.”
“Yeah, those silent Hs will get you every time,” I said dryly.
She giggled again. “So you must be really rich, huh?”
I internally grimaced and just barely kept from rolling my eyes. If I’d been working on all my cylinders, I would’ve used my money and credentials to cajole my way into her panties. But today, her question just seemed gauche and gold-digging enough to turn my stomach.
“Sorry, darlin’,” I told her with a regretful wince. “You got the wrong guy.” And I lowered my attention back to my computer.
“O…Kay,” she said, sounding confused and rejected. “So you’re not Parker?”
“And I’m not Lee either,” I answered without glancing up.
“Huh.” I heard her huff out a disappointed breath, then turn away and walk off.
And I didn’t even glance up to watch her go.
That’s it. Something was definitely wrong with me. I’d gotten a clear green light, and I hadn’t proceeded full speed ahead.