“Hot tub.”
She cried out aghast. “You got into the hot tub without me?”
“Well, if you hadn’t been taking your sweet time painting your toenails or whatever the hell you were doing, then—fuck me,” I breathed when she appeared in the doorway where I’d left the sliding door open. Her figure was outlined perfectly in the glow of the lights inside the suite.
Pausing there, she lifted her hand to the doorframe, giving me time to appreciate the whole view.
“You were saying?” she asked smugly.
She wore nothing but three triangles of blue silk all tied together to make a full one-piece.Her hair was trussed up, with her curls looking even bigger and richer than usual. And she’d fixed her face as if she were about to walk a red carpet. But her high heels…
I’d missed seeing those in her bags after I’d found the teddy.
She was trying to kill me, I decided.
“I was saying,” I said from a thick voice. “You’re worth the wait.”
When she smiled, I was done. I had to have her. Now.
I started to stand, but she heard the slosh of water and lifted her hand. “No. Don’t get out. I’ll just join you.”
I paused, waffling. “You sure? After taking so long to prepare? You’ll get all wet.”
Her chuckle made my cock thicken. And the sway of her hips as she started forward had me salivating. “That’s the idea, Ohrley. Get me as wet as you possibly can.”
“Fuck me,” I repeated.
“Also the idea,” she added lightly as she reached the hot tub.
Gah, she was magnificent.
Pausing at the edge, she glanced in, only for a frown line to crease the center of her brows. “You’re wearing shorts.”
“Jockeys,” I corrected.
Her gaze lifted to mine. “I was looking forward to seeing you naked.”
I lifted one eyebrow. “Feel free to seduce me out of them.” Keeping eye contact, I took a long drink.
Hope silently took the glass from my hand and set it out of my reach, then she climbed into the water, heels and all. I watched her, successfully diverted from my alcohol, and every muscle tightened inside me as she sank in across from me, moaning the whole way down.
“Oh God, that feels good.”
I huffed. “Couldn’t have said that two hours ago, huh?”
She only smiled. “I thought I did.” Mimicking my pose, she stretched her legs out in front of her, threw her arms over the sides, and looked up at the stars. “I definitely thought it.”
The Hope I knew never would’ve admitted something like that aloud. She’d claim it was too flattering to my ego, which was already overinflated enough as it was. But this Hope didn’t mind complimenting me, and the difference was confusing and intriguing as hell.
“What’re you doing all the way over there?” I asked, discreetly searching for her foot under the water.
She sent me a seductive glance, merely saying, “It’s foreplay.”
“You canplayover here,” I told her, finally finding what I’d been seeking. Latching my hand around her ankle, I tugged her toward me.
She yelped in surprise and floundered through the water as I towed her in.