Page 60 of Just This Once

I transferred my gaze to her, momentarily too dazed to even see for a second. Then, I shook my head to clear my vision.

“Uh, no,” I answered. “It didn’t.”

Hudson squinted and tipped his head suspiciously as if he thought I was lying, while Oaklynn actually seemed disappointed.

“It didn’t?” she asked with slumped shoulders.

When Faith sent her a startled glance, she flushed. “I mean, that’s good,” she added, nodding to confirm it. “That’s reallygood.” But she went right back to scowling. “I just—I was so sure I sawsomethingreflecting off her face.”

“Maybe it was the sun hitting the side mirror of Foster’s truck,” Hudson suggested with a shrug. “Or the reflection ofanything, really.”

“Yeah,” she agreed glumly, chewing on her lip. “Probably.”

Damien started down the stairs, then, and when Oaklynn saw him, she hurried his way with Faith tagging along.

Hudson remained behind to send me a curious glance. “You sure there wasn’t any white smoke in that vial? Not even a little?”

“None at all,” I said. “Why?”

He lifted one shoulder and watched the girls fill Damien in on Oaklynn’s false suspicions. “You just looked weird when you saw the results. Like, surprised or confused maybe.”

“Well…” I drew in a long breath and reached up to scratch the back of my neck. “I guess the girls had me convinced she was possessed. And it made sense; it would’ve explained why she is the way she is.”

Amusement crossed Hudson’s features. “True that.”

Shaking my head, I added, “I guess everything about her is pure, one hundred percent Hope, though.”

“Sadly,” he concluded as he dropped a hand onto my shoulder as if offering me condolences just as the door behind us opened and Foster stepped into the living room with a single box tucked under one arm.

“Okay,” he announced. “This is the last of Xander’s things.”

“That’s probably the very box she’s been looking for, too,” Hudson told him, nudging him encouragingly to get him to hurry. “You better get it up there to her. STAT.”

“Oh, shit,” Foster blurted and hurried off toward the stairs.

Hudson and I watched him go before we glanced at each other.

“It’s sad how gullible he is.”

Hudson snickered and slapped me on the back. “But funny as fuck.”

All conversation about the amulet ceased from there as pretty much everyone started to filter back down to the living room.

Alec and Hope appeared first, with Raina and Xander not far behind them, and Keene crowding close, trying to join their conversation.

Alec was now sticking to Hope’s side as if she were his lifeline.

When Foster joined everyone, he made sure to find Hudson so he could slug him in the arm and mutter, “Very funny, asshole.”

“So have you been properly introduced to everyone yet?” Raina asked Xander, gaining the attention of the room.

“Oh…” Foster’s cousin looked momentarily overwhelmed as she glanced around the crowded space. “I don’t think I have. But I’m pretty sure I know who everyone is from Foster’s descriptions, except maybe for her.”

When she pointed toward Hope, Hope straightened in surprise. “Me? Oh, I’m just Hope. I’m only here to steal Alec away for the evening.” Hooking her arm possessively through his, she waved at Xander.

“Oh,” Xander answered, her gaze sliding to Alec for probably the first time ever. “Okay.”

“And with that,” he said, his face flushed as he dragged his sister toward the door. “We’re off to the movies. We’ve probably already missed half of the previews.”