Page 168 of Just This Once

“That’s me,” Alec told her, lifting his hand to call attention to himself, only to swing out his arm and bar my way in the next breath. “No.” Turning an icy glare toward me, he warned, “If you step foot inside that hospital, I swear to God, I will punch you in the face.”

“Then punch me,” I said, shoving his arm away. Because no fucking way was I staying out here while she was in there. Except, the little bastard stepped into my path, determined to keep me out.

“Alec,” I growled, losing my patience. “Can we do this later? I’m not staying out here.”

My gaze swerved desperately to the waiting orderly, and my expression broke. Chin quivering, eyes watering, anguish exploded from every facet of my being.

“Come on, man.” I wanted to respect his wishes. I was in the wrong, I’d fucked up; I knew that. And I cared about him. I didn’t want to hurt him, but— “I will not stay out here while she’s in there.”

Alec’s lips parted with surprise, and he pulled his face back before he furrowed his brow and glanced toward the others. “Just keep him away from me.”

When Keene nodded, Alec rushed to the waiting orderly.

I started after him, only for Keene to step into my path.

I pulled up short, scowling as Damien and Hudson stepped in beside him, all of them barring my way.

“Alec goes in first,” Keene told me in no uncertain terms, and the other two nodded.

Glancing between the three of them, I snorted. “Are you fucking serious?”

“Dude.” Hudson exhaled with a sympathetic breath and shook his head sadly. “You fucked his sister. Behind his back. That’s like breaking a cardinal rule.”

“So that’s it,” I spat. “Everyone’s just Team Alec now?”

“Hey, you screwed up,” Keene said. “You screwed upbad.”

“And you don’t care if—Jesus.” Of course, they didn’t care.

Gripping my hair, I gnashed my teeth, restraining myself from swinging at them because logically I knew they were right.But I still wanted to plow through them like a bowling ball, and I didn’t care how they fell, as long as it was out of my way.

This was it, I realized.

This was the moment I’d feared would happen since Hope had asked for that first orgasm. They were all going to turn on me. I was about to lose everyone.

It was a shot straight to the solar plexus, and yet I couldn’t even focus on it. I needed to hear how she was. I needed to be with her. And I needed everyone to get the fuck out of my way right fucking now.

Past my wall ofbrothers,I saw all the women follow Alec into the hospital for an update, and I choked out a sound of fear. What if she hadn’t made it?

Dammit. Forget friendship. I was about to start punching when Damien murmured, “He’s in,” and he took a step back to finally let me go.

“Just stay on the opposite side of the room as him,” Keene warned as I blew past him and sprinted to the doors.

Inside, I plowed to a stop when I spotted Alec and the women gathered around a man in a white coat. I wanted to stride forward and hear the news straight from the source. But I suddenly couldn’t move. A knot formed in my gut, and an eerie tingling crept over my skin.

Damien, Hudson, and Keene hung back with me as if they could sense the ominous doom as well.

Needing support, I reached out and clutched Keene’s shoulder hard.

He glanced over in surprise, then slowly reached back and gripped my shirt, comforting me.

And then it happened.

I knew the moment they got the bad news. Alec pressed a fist to his stomach and bowed slightly, while Xander lurched forward to grab his arm. Raina gasped and covered her mouthwith both hands. Oaklynn sank numbly into a nearby chair. And Faith turned to look for Hudson.

“No,” I said, tearing myself away from Keene to clutch the top of my head in order to keep from hitting something. “No.” I turned away, feeling sick.

But Hope was okay; shehadto be okay. I wouldn’t accept any other update.