Page 14 of Just This Once

Besides, he was my brother’sfriend. That would just be weird and awkward afterward.

For however short of an afterward there might be.

But could you blame me for wondering? And daydreaming. And wishing. I mean, he was just so…Parker.

An image filled my head of him hauling me against him and plowing his hands into my hair as he smashed our mouths together. My veins filled with a hungry need I didn’t think I’d actually ever experienced before.

I physically ached. It was heady and pulse-pounding, and the insistent throb brewing between my legs made me want to just…maul him.

Until he furrowed his brow into a scowl, as if irritated by my proximity. Because that’s all I was to him: an irritation, one of his best friend’s annoying, pain-in-the-ass sisters.

I exhaled in a rush, forcing myself back to reality—where no way in hell would Parker Ohrley have any interest inme, and I definitely wouldn’t have anything to do with him—and I pinched my lips tight before muttering, “Doyouwant to arrange the luggage?”

“Yes,” he bit out moodily and gripped my hips, making my body shudder in distressed arousal. But all he did was pick me up so he could set me to the side, out of his way. Then he stepped toward the trunk and bent down to shift things around,grumbling and cursing as he used way more violence thanIhad to shove things where he wanted them to go.

I probably would’ve made a scathing comment abouthisforcefulness, but my attention got a little too distracted by his ass. It was just so tight and shapely; I wanted to reach out andgripit.

“Fucking odd-shaped bags,” he grumbled, dusting his hands off on his thighs as he straightened to cast me a condemning glance for daring to have deformed luggage.

“You’re doing great,” I told him with all the sarcastic cheer I could muster as I sent him two thumbs up.

He narrowed his eyes and moved to the back passenger side, where he ripped the door open and grabbed two more pieces to load. And he kept filling the trunk and back seat until they were both full.

With a sigh, I crossed my arms over my chest, wondering what he was going to donowsince there were still two pieces of luggage left on the trolley. But Parker shocked the shit out of me when he went to the hood and opened a freaking frunk before shoving the last of my luggage into the storage space there.

I blinked, trying not to be impressed as he smirked triumphantly my way. “Done.”

I lifted a single eyebrow and snickered snidely. “Great. Satisfied now?”

“My life is finally complete,” he deadpanned, even as he glanced down at the top button on my blouse as if searching for cleavage.

I blinked, startled that he would initiate the awareness between us this time, and I wondered?—

But no. He couldn’t be interested back. Could he?

As if answering my silent question, he sniffed in indifference and turned away without a word to head toward the driver’s side door.

Guess that was a definite no.



When Parker climbed behind the wheel of his car, I jumped into action, hurrying to the passenger side before he left me behind. Because leaving me sounded exactly like something he would do.

As soon as I slid into my seat and shut my door, he lifted a travel tumbler from the cup holders between us and held it out to me, saying, “Water.”

My cotton mouth nearly whimpered for a taste. But being me, I couldn’t just accept anything gracefully. I paused in the middle of pulling on my seat belt. “Did you already drink from it?”

He arched an eyebrow. “You want to die of dehydration or risk my cooties?”

Valid point. Death didn’t really appeal, and it seriously felt like I might die if I didn’t get some liquids into me. Soon.

I took the cup and gulped greedily. The water inside was still ice cold, and I swear, it was the best-tasting drink I’d ever had.

As I restrained myself from moaning in relief, Parker turned the air conditioner even colder and then aimed one of his vents at me.

It was a sweet enough move that I managed to say, “Thank you,” as I slipped the tumbler back into the cup holder.