As I sat there, frozen, hoping the floor would open up and swallow me whole, Faith leaned toward Hudson and answered, “She recently just had her first orgasm; called the guy the orgasm king.”
“Oh!” Alec cried, grimacing horribly and plugging his fingers in his ears. “No, no, no. I did not want to hear that!”
Meanwhile, Parker kept coughing to the point that Damien had to slap him on the back and ask if he was okay.
As he nodded through watering eyes, assuring us he was fine, I sank lower in my seat and muttered, “Well, I guess girl-talk isn’t confidential.”
“Wait.” Alec pulled his fingers free. “Is this the guy you said you f?—”
“Oh my God!” I screeched, slapping my hand over his mouth. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. See there.” Raina motioned toward him. “We girls aren’t the only ones who can’t keep our mouths shut.”
Alec winced at me over my hand and then removed it from his mouth to say, “Sorry.” Then he squinted. “But... Is that guynotfrom Ohio? I thought?—”
“Hey, hey, my beautiful stallions,” an energetic voice thankfully interrupted, saving my bacon, as it boomed from the speakers to gain our attention.
I glanced over toward the stage to find the emcee for Karaoke Night gripping the microphone as he waved at the crowd.
While he captured everyone’s attention and introduced himself before running through the few guidelines he had for the evening, I risked a glance toward Parker.
Watching me, he lifted his eyebrows knowingly as if to taunt,Told you you’d call me the orgasm king.
I flushed and swallowed just as the emcee consulted his clipboard and announced, “First up, we have…Alec Younger.”
I turned with a delighted gasp just as my brother whirled to me with wide eyes. “You didn’t.”
“Oh, you bet your sweet ass I did.” Giving him a shove to encourage him off the chair, I laughed. “Now get up there, superstar. Everyone’s waiting.”
Our table lit up, clapping and yelling him on, and I could hear Keene from the other side of the freaking bar cheering for him as well.
Sending me a stern look that promised retribution, Alec shuffled uneasily to his feet, even as he demanded, “What song did you even sign me up for?”
“It’s a surprise,” I promised, clapping with the others. “Don’t worry.” I waved an unconcerned hand. “You’ve got this.”
“Oh my God,” he groaned and turned away from our table to head toward the stage, making everyone in the bar focus on him intently.
“Holy shit,” Raina told me with wide eyes. “I would kill you if you signed me up for karaoke like that. Oh God, you didn’t, did you?”
“No.” I patted her leg in reassurance. “And this is fine. Alec’s used to it.”
“Has he even sung karaoke before?” Xander asked, looking worried.
“Oh, honey,” I told her with a wink. “You just wait and see.”
The room seemed to settle down to listen when he took the stage and stepped behind the microphone. Wincing at the lights, he tipped his face so he could see past them, and he looked at me with lifted eyebrows as he wiped sweaty palms on his hips.
I blew him a kiss and then held my fisted hands up by my mouth in eager anticipation.
As soon as the music started for Benson Boone’s “Beautiful Things,” Parker started to cough. Again.
I glanced over to find Hudson slapping him on the back this time. “Jesus, man. What the hell are you drinking tonight?”
Parker mumbled something I couldn’t hear before his gaze seared my way.
Not sure what that sizzling stare meant, I turned away, and Alec stole my attention as he began to sing. I held my breath for the first few bars, knowing he’d be fine but still worrying for him regardless. Until, damn…
He nailed it at the chorus. And I mean, henailedit.