She brushed her lips over his jaw. “You can’t go back in time, Oaks. Only forward. You have to see how this program you created has saved so many people. It’s something to be really proud of.”
“I am proud. And hopeful.” He let out a breath as if expelling the last of his worries. And suddenly, a bright smile lit up his eyes. “Hopeful for our future.” He found her engagement ring and brought her fingers to his lips. The warm kiss he planted there left her breathless and tingling with desire.
“I can’t wait for our wedding day, Oaks.”
“Neither can I, honey. It’s going to be the second-best day of my life.”
She blinked in shock. “What’s the first?”
“The day I married you the first time.” His eyes creased at the corners with his smile, and Shiloh fell even more in love with him.
Chapter Eighteen
The murmur of string instruments warming up floated to the makeshift dressing area where Oaks and his brothers were getting ready.
From what he’d seen, Shiloh had pulled off their wedding without a single hitch. Even the Wyoming weather obeyed his beautiful bride’s command by delivering a blue sky dotted with an occasional cloud and the sun hung low, providing enough warmth to hold the wedding outdoors despite it being autumn.
Earlier, he’d helped his brothers set up the venue in the prettiest spot on the Black Heart. Mountains and green pastures offered the perfect backdrop for the white chairs lined up in neat rows on the lawn. Each was tied with a sprig of tiny white flowers and a burlap ribbon.
The spot they’d chosen together for the ceremony to take place was framed by a rustic wood arch and some filmy fabric. Fancy pots of wildflowers and roses flanked the arch, along with some tall candles in oversized holders.
Hearing another song begin, Oaks calculated the time he had left before he would walk out and take his place in front of the small group of his friends and family who’d come to share his and Shiloh’s day.
Colt rounded the wooden partition where Oaks was waiting.
“Is everything set, Colt?”
“Yeah. I talked to your stupid travel agent. I got your stupid honeymoon set up, and I got your stupid tux. And your stupid rings.”
As he took the tux from his brother, his lips tipped in a crooked smile. “Anything else?”
“I hate being in this stupid tuxedo.” Despite his grumbling, he didn’t fidget with the tight collar or the jacket that fit perfectly across his shoulders.
Quickly, Oaks unzipped the garment bag and began dressing in the crisply pressed black tux. “You know, there’s going to come a time when you don’t think weddings are so stupid.”
“Doubt that.” Colt’s bored tone almost made him laugh. “But since we’re talking about weddings, why would you want to take her to an over-the-water bungalow for a honeymoon? Whose idea is this?”
“Shiloh’s. It’s romantic.” He slipped the bowtie around his neck and began meticulously tying it.
Colt stared at him for a moment, then stepped up and shoved his hands out of the way. “Let me do it. You’re making a mess of it.”
He dropped his arms to his sides and watched concentration play across his brother’s features. “Maybe you should have gone to more of those movies with Willow. Learned some things. Besides, it was fun throwing popcorn at her boyfriends.”
Colt snorted and gave the tie one last tug to straighten it.
“What the hell is going on in here?” The familiar voice made them both jolt. At the same time, Oaks and Colt swung to see their younger brother standing there.
“Holy fuck!” Oaks stepped up to clap their brother, Gray, on the back. Their baby bro wore his Navy dress uniform. Gray thumped him on the spine in return, then they broke apart and Oaks spotted the next brother in line.
Jesus. Denver.
He felt a lump lodge in his throat as he set eyes on the sibling they’d all believed to be dead until Oaks started digging and discovered the truth about him being deep black ops.
“Jesus Christ, man.” He grabbed Denver in a hard embrace and felt the emotion work through his brother as he clasped him in return. His brother was whole. After all they’d gone through thinking he was dead…then hearing that he sustained injuries in Italy…he was here.
“I found this fucker along the road and thought I’d give him a ride.” Gray jerked his thumb at Denver. He was named aptly for his gray eyes that were a shade lighter than the rest of the Malones’.
Oaks’s voice came out with the grittiness of emotion. “How did you get here? I thought you weren’t allowed—”