“How so?”
“You knew where the chicken place was.”
“Not really. I don’t come to the mall often, and this was never here when we were growing up. I just went where Carly told me to go, so you’ll have to be mad at her for us beating you guys.”
Declan bent down and helped Jocelyn off of his shoulders before pulling Carly down from mine. The girls stood in front of us as they talked about what they wanted for lunch. I wasn’t sure whatyummy saucewas, but they knew for sure that they wanted it.
“Thanks for being nice to my girls,” Declan said quietly with a soft smile. “I know you don’t care for me much, but I’m really grateful that you’re not letting my girls see it.”
I felt my jaw tense as I thought about how to respond to him. It had been over twelve years since our falling out, but that didn’t erase seventeen years of him being my best friend.
“They deserve to get to know their uncle,” I replied, keeping my focus ahead of me instead of looking at him. “Even if I missed the first four years of their lives.”
“It wasn’t like you would have answered your phone to talk to me if I would have called to tell you about them.”
“Probably not. But I still would have liked to know.”
“I’m sorry.”
I nodded, letting a slow, deep breath leave my lungs.
“For everything, Sean. I’m sorry for all of the hurt I’ve caused and for ruining what you had with Cassidy. I was stupid back then, and I should have done the right thing. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t regret what I did. If I could go back in time and make it right, I would.”
The line started moving, giving me the space I needed to process what he said while he ordered food for his family.
“Sorry I’m late, butI come bearing coffee,” Sam said as he walked into my parents' kitchen, which was covered in flour and baking utensils.
“If you don’t have a gingerbread latte, I’m going to—”
“Relax,” my brother replied with a chuckle. “I have your gingerbread latte, and mom’s peppermint mocha, and dad’s black coffee. Trust me, I know what everyone likes by now.”
“Well, some of us have been up baking since the butt crack of dawn and need an afternoon pick me up,” I said, narrowing my eyes as I accepted the drink he handed me. “Thank you.”