I shoved a hand through my hair and looked over at my truck as Bert came out. I still felt a bit of jealousy toward him but had time to process it and realized that it wasn’t that Sam was coming onto Jasmin. I was jealous of howshereacted to him.

“I was going to see if someone could point me in the direction of the nearest automotive shop. I think the battery died.”

“The closest shop closed an hour ago,” Bert replied. “And I know your grandfather mentioned that the alternator was having some issues as well.”

“Lovely,” I muttered, trying not to sound like a dick. I just wanted to get home and call it a day. “Would someone mind giving me a jump to see if that works until I can get back tomorrow to deal with stuff?”

“Sure. I’m parked around back, but I’ll meet you at your truck in a few,” Aiden offered, rushing off to go get it.

“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t think you’re getting home tonight,” Sam said softly as they joined me at my truck.

“Yeah, I hate to admit it, but I think you might be right. I’ll check and see if I can get a room somewhere for the night.”

“Everything is sold out,” Bert said, rubbing a hand across his round stomach. “That storm stranded a lot of people trying to pass through, so everything filled up quickly. I have a cabin that I would offer, but I already lent it to this friendly couple that couldn’t get a room either.”

I didn’t like the sound of where this was going.

Aiden pulled up and we got busy trying to jump-start the truck. Just as expected, nothing worked.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Jasmin asked, walking past us with her coat pulled tight and bags full of stuff layered on both arms.

“His battery died,” Sam said. “He’s stuck here for the night.”

“Oh. Is someone going to give him a ride to a hotel?” she asked, looking between the guys.

“Everything is full,” Bert said. “I would offer to take him in, but my in-laws are already staying with us, so we don’t have the space.”

“It’s not a big deal. I can sleep in the truck,” I offered, ready to be done with all of this.

“You can’t sleep in the truck,” Jasmin replied, looking at me as if I were an idiot.

“I don’t see any other options here. I can’t get home, and everything in town is booked.”

“I know exactly where he can go,” Sam said with a mischievous smile.

We all stared at him, waiting for the big reveal.

“Jas has a spare room and could use some help with the decorations she’s taking home. Seems like a win-win to me.”

Jasmin’s eyes bulged as her jaw dropped.

“I... No... That’s not... No.” She shook her head defiantly.

“Come on, Jas,” Sam said, stepping closer to her and taking some of the bags from her arms. “He helped you when you had nowhere to go. You can repay the favor. Besides, it’s only for one night until he can get his truck fixed tomorrow.”

She continued to stare at him as she thought about it before closing her eyes and exhaling heavily.

“Fine. Mr. Grumpy Ass can stay with me. But it’s freezing out here, so hurry up. I’m not waiting all night for you.”

Sam caught my eye as he handed me the bags he’d taken from her, then clapped me on the back.

“Have fun,” he said, winking before climbing into Aiden’s truck and shutting the door.

This was definitely a turn of events I didn’t see coming.

