“Well, maybe after you decide you can help me off of this thing before I lose a toe? It’s freaking cold out here, and some of us don’t have the luxury of moving our bodies to stay warm.”

“Tell me again why you didn’t just unzip the jacket and set yourself free?”

“Because,” I said with a heavy sigh. “The zipper is broken. I can’t get it to move. I’m literally stuck in here.”

He nodded and looked at the post before leaning forward and grabbing my hips.

“What are you doing?” I screeched, eyes wide as my skin sizzled from his touch.

“Setting you free. Are you going to keep yelling at me, or can I get this done before we’re both officially stuck out here?”

I nodded, too embarrassed to talk.

“Can you climb under?” he asked, stepping away from me to give me room.

I shook my head.

“I already tried. The post is tight, pinning me against it. I can’t get my arms out of the sleeves of the jacket.”

“Alright, up and over it is.”

I was about to ask what he meant byup and over, but then I felt his hands grip my waist and hoist me in the air.

“I need you to trust me and hold on so I don’t drop you,” he warned, lifting me as if I weighed nothing.

“Okay,” I stammered, unsure of how exactly I was supposed to hold on.

“I’m going to lower myself in between your legs so I can get a good grip.”

My eyes widened immediately. Before I could react, he was kneeling in front of me, pulling my legs around his neck as he held onto my ass, his face inches away from my pussy.

I closed my eyes as I tried to ignore the thoughts racing through my mind about what a compromising position we were in while he worked to free me from the post. He lifted me higher, freeing the fabric of the jacket from the fence post before stepping away from it. I was still wrapped around his chest like some sort of horny spider monkey, too turned on to get down.

His hands reached up and grabbed my hips, gently lowering me down his body as he set me on my feet again.

“Are you okay?” he asked, eyes narrowing as I stumbled slightly, losing my footing in the snow.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Thanks.”

“No problem.” He pulled the beanie off his head and shoved a hand through his hair before putting it back on. “I have a lot of questions—like why the hell you’re wearing boots like that in the middle of a snowstorm—but I need to get the reindeer moved into the barn before any of that happens.”

I rubbed my lips together, wondering if now was the time to press my luck with him.

“I’m more than happy to answer any questions you have if you want to talk for a few,” I offered, falling in step beside him as he stalked off toward the barn across the field from us. “I can help get the reindeer situated if you’d like.”

“As much as I want to decline, I don’t see you giving me any options with this.” He stopped and faced me, his tall frame towering over mine.He was so good-looking.

“I’m determined.”

“I can see that. I would venture to say careless and reckless, but until I can deal with unpacking all of that, I need to know you’re not going to need saving again until I can get inside to deal with you.”


“I’m so going to regret this,” he said, more to himself than me as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. “Go inside the house and wait for me. There’s a fresh pot of coffee I started before I came out to rescue you. I’ll be in soon.”

Giddiness rushed through me at the thought of being inside his home. If I could get just a glimpse into who he was as a person or what he liked, I might be able to find the key to getting him to agree to help me with the reindeer issue.

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll fix both of us a cup after I grab the cookies and my purse from the car. How do you like your coffee?”