“Yeah, well, I figured it’s better thanhey, you.”
“Or you could call me by my name.”
“That would mean that I actually stopped to bother with remembering it. We’re only stuck together for a few days,Princess. No need to get so formal with each other. Once the roads are cleared, I’ll dig your car out, and you can go on your merry way.”
“God, you’re such an asshole. I should have known, given you were described as a grinch. But still, I held out hope that they were wrong.”
“And who exactly isthey?” I questioned, leaning against the island as I pinned her with a look. It didn’t surprise me that people in town were talking about me. That’s what happens in a small town. But what bothered me waswhereshe was getting her information.
“The townspeople,” she replied dismissively with a wave of her hand. “But it doesn’t matter because I can confirm from firsthand experience that they’re right. You are the epitome of a grinch.”
“Well, thank you for the compliment.” I winked, quickly earning a scowl from her.
“That’s not a compliment!” She threw her hands in the air and shook her head. “A compliment is you have nice eyes or you have a radiant smile that brightens the room.”
“Well, thanks for those as well. Aren’t you just full of compliments today?”
She sighed heavily, my attempt at humor clearly rubbing her the wrong way.Maybe she needed me to rub her the right way. That might lighten her mood a bit.
“You’re impossible.”
“So you’ve said.” I turned and opened the fridge, grabbing the stuff to make sandwiches. “Now, do you want a sandwich or not?”
“Are you making it?” she fired back, getting up and joining me at the island.
“Do you want me to?”
“No. I think I’d rather eat poison than have you cook for me.”
I didn’t bother to remind her that she had gladly eaten the steak and baked potato I fixed for dinner last night or that she devoured breakfast this morning. It was like she had gotten a fresh dose of hatred for me, and I kinda liked going back and forth, riling her up.
“That can be arranged.” I pulled out two slices of bread and slapped them down onto the plate. I noticed the way she jumped slightly and fought back the grin tugging at my lips as I noticed her eyes fixated on what I was doing. The sound wasn’t intended, but it still very much sounded like a spank.
I had seen a few social media videos that my cousin sent to me of this guy who cooks, but everything he does looks incredibly sexual. Taking a cue from him now that I had her attention, I made sure to give her a show. It wasn’t like we had anything better to do, given we were stuck together for who knew how long. Plus, she could use something to help her lighten up a bit.
I opened the jar of mayonnaise, and then, instead of using a knife, I inserted two fingers— yup, those two. I moved them around, slowly stirring the top layer as my fingers got coated. I felt her eyes on me as she watched—likely wondering if I was out of my fucking mind. I was.
I grabbed a piece of bread and held it in one palm while I smothered it with the mayonnaise on my fingers, rubbing it down the middle before spreading my fingers to get to the sides. I could feel the tension building between us, my dick already starting to strain against my jeans. I set the bread down on the plate and then sucked my fingers clean, looking up to lock eyes with her as she watched my tongue work strategically.
Next, I grabbed a pack of deli lunch meat and slowly slid the zipper open, too invested in this to stop now. With my eyes still locked on her, I reached inside and grabbed the meat, gripping it tightly before pulling a few slices free and slapping them down onto the bread. She jumped again, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the sound mimicking spanking turned her on. It sure seemed to, which made me picture just how nice her ass would look with a red handprint on it from me.
I opened another pack of lunch meat and did the same, loving her reaction as I slapped the ham down on top of the turkey. At this point, I wished I had more meat to keep this party going. I opened the package of cheese and slowly peeled one off before adding it to the sandwich.
Then, to top it all off, I grabbed the bottle of mustard, turned it upside down, and smacked it with the palm of my hand. Her eyes widened as she chewed on her lower lip, taking it all in. I lifted the bottle over the sandwich and started to squeeze, loving the opening I’d been given when an air bubble got caught and forced some of it to splatter.
“Looks like she’s a squirter,” I said nonchalantly, her eyes moving up to meet mine. “But that’s okay, I don’t mind. What fun is it if it’s not messy?”
I was more than just playing with fire. I was taking a box of matches and gallons of gasoline to a dry forest during a lightning storm.
With her eyes still on me, I reached down with those same two fingers and spread the mustard before licking it off.
“So, do you want a sandwich?” I asked, ignoring how gruff my voice sounded.
“A sandwich?” she questioned, her voice suddenly high-pitched. “That’s not a sandwich. That’s porn.”
My smirk spread across my face as I studied her, wondering what she was into, given how invested she had become in my silly little experiment.
“Trust me, that’s not porn. But if this really turns you on, you can watch me eat. I really, really loveeating.” I added the other piece of bread to the top, then lifted it to my mouth and took a huge bite. Some of the mustard got on the side of my mouth, so I deliberately swiped my tongue out to lick it off.