“Your new boss is the sexy guy you fucked in the club?!” Brittany shrieked on the other end of the phone. I pulled my head away slightly, still balancing it between my shoulder and ear as I leaned over to paint my toenails.
“Yup. That’s him,” I said, shifting the phone back up to my ear. I was sitting on my bed, knee pulled into me as I went to work painting the other toes.
“Man! That’s so crazy! Does that mean that you’re going to get to have hot office sex with him all the time now?”
“No,” I frowned as I said it. “I don’t think we’ll be having any sex. This is a job, Brit, not an episode of whatever that show is you’ve been watching lately.”
She had recently decided to binge-watch a handful of shows on Netflix and had been obsessed with telling me about the different love scenes she watched and how jealous she was that it wasn’t her. She was a hopeless romantic who believed in knights in shining armor and happily ever after, while I was a realist who knew that the knights would soon be fucking their secretary on a desk from Ikea. The so-called “love” scenes she continuously raved about were the things that highly paid romance authors created when all of the realistic stories in life were covered by the evening news.
“Well, I just think that you should be more open-minded. You never know what could happen,” she continued, trying to convince me to see her side of the argument, including the pieces I had accidentally zoned out on while applying a clear coat of polish. I wiggled my toes in front of me and smiled. The bright magenta color of the polish made me feel less edgy as I had replayed the day over and over again in my head.
“We talked briefly at lunch—the one he invited me to—and he made it very clear that we are to be professional with each other and leave all personal feelings at home. It wasn’t the first time he had said it either,” I assured her. “Trust me, there will be no sex happening between us ever again.”
“Fine,” she sighed dramatically. I had known Brittany since our freshman year in high school and could picture her as she twirled a strand of chestnut brown hair on her finger, rolling her eyes. She was so predictable. I thought about how her dark hair reminded me of the color of Ethan’s hair and how it was darker on the sides that were recently faded and lighter on top. There was something about his style that made me imagine him as some sexy, badass rockstar with a faux mohawk that was starting to take place. However, my experience with him quickly forced that thought from my mind when I remembered how regimented he was. A guy like Ethan was far too sophisticated to let loose like that, even if his hair said otherwise.
“But if you guys did have office sex, it could be really hot. You could say all sorts of law stuff to each other like, you’re out of order. Or you can file a motion. He might badger your witness.”
“Oh my god, Brit! You’re so ridiculous,” I laughed and shook my head. I put the top back on the nail polish bottle and turned it, making sure it was on tight before setting it on the nightstand next to my bed. “No one talks like that for one, and we don’t have witnesses to badger in corporate law.”
“Well, then he can badger something else… if you get my drift.”
“Alright, well, on that note I’m going to let you get back to another binge session of Law and Order. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Alright, but text me tomorrow and let me know how your second day goes. I’m going to start a bet with myself on when you guys will give in and have another quickie.”
“BYE,” I said loudly, cutting her off before she could continue. I heard laughing on the other end as I pressed the button to end the call.
I walked into the kitchen and pulled a frozen lasagna from the freezer, checking the cooking time before I tossed it back in. It was already late, and I wasn’t in the mood to wait an hour for dinner. Instead, I fixed a bowl of cereal and sat down on the couch, flipping through the channels on the tv while my mind wandered back to Ethan.
Today had been a complete shock for me when I realized who he was. As much as I wanted to move past the fact that I had slept with my boss before knowing that he was my boss, I couldn’t get the memory out of my head of how good it had been. My mind had obsessed over that night for the past two weeks, analyzing every tiny detail.
I had no idea what had come over me when I followed him to the bathroom, but for the first time in my life, I didn’t regret it. How crazy was that to say—I didn’t regret the quickie with the stranger in the linen closet of a packed nightclub. That’s something that most people would think twice about before doing and would likely regret it later.
I could still feel the way his hands had felt on my body. The way his fingers rubbed my clit so perfectly that it sent me into orgasm within seconds. Maybe it was because I was already so aroused before he touched me, or maybe it was just because he really was as good as he said he was. It was a cocky thing to say but I’ve quickly learned that he’s the true definition of cocky in general. Everything about him screams that he’s a man with power who gets what he wants when he wants it.
Part of me was disappointed that he had made it clear that a repeat of our quickie wasn’t something that he wanted. He made it very clear that things from here on out were to stay strictly professional and that he had no interest in discussing what had happened. I had spent the better part of the morning trying to figure out how to talk to him about it and explain that I wasn’t that kind of girl. Before him, I had never had sex with anyone who I hadn’t been dating for a least a few months. I wanted to tell him that he found me on a night when I was completely vulnerable and desperate to escape what I was going through. To explain that having a gorgeous man like himself showing any interest in a girl like me was the sexiest thing I had ever seen.
Brittany and I had talked about it several times after it happened. I was so frustrated that I didn’t feel guilty or ashamed of what I had done. I felt empowered and liberated. I didn’t need the approval of a man before now but to have the approval of someone like him, that was a huge ego boost. I had spent far too many years with someone who was okay with making me feel like I was as exciting as a jar of mayonnaise...
My ex, Jeremy, and I had started dating during law school and I never stopped to take a step back and analyze our relationship the way that I should have. I didn’t bother to question his change in behavior when he was promoted to a partner at his firm. There was a sudden power shift that seemed to go straight to his head and out his dick. I also didn’t pay attention to the constant text messages that he would get in the middle of the night. There was so much that I had missed and part of me wondered if I just didn’t care enough to notice. Maybe it was easier to stay in a relationship that I was comfortable with that didn’t require any work, than to walk away and admit that I deserved better.