Page 12 of Cocky Counsel



My head felt like it was going to explode, the pressure almost unbearable. I pulled the extra blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around me as I shivered and hunkered down against the pillow fort I had created this morning. My body was achy and desperate to rest but every time I tried to lay down in bed my nose would start running which would lead to a coughing fit. It seemed the only way that I could get comfortable enough to try to rest was to pile up every pillow I had in my apartment and stack them together so I was at the perfect angle.

The heater was turned up as far as I was willing to let it go—I didn’t need an absurdly ridiculous bill when I could just pile on the layers and try to keep warm. I had taken my temperature a few hours ago and wasn’t surprised that I had a fever given how shitty I was feeling. I took some Tylenol and placed a cold washcloth on my forehead, hoping the fever would break soon.

I squirmed around and finally got comfortable on the couch. Just as I closed my eyes to try to get some rest, I heard my phone ding with a new text message. I had already talked to Regina this morning to let her know that I wouldn’t be in today, and she had assured me that she would let Ethan know. It wasn’t that I was avoiding Ethan after he had blown up at me yesterday, it was just that I would rather stick a rusty nail through my eyeball and twirl it around a few times than talk to him right now. I had gone to his office to talk to him about what happened with Graham before I left, but after the look he gave me, followed by his request for me to go home before I made things worse, I didn’t bother after that.

I had planned to talk to him and let him know that Graham and I had talked for a few minutes before I gave him the folder, to assure him that we had a thorough conversation about what was being proposed. I hated that he continued to treat me as if I had just walked out of law school and had no idea what I was doing, when in fact, I had the same number of years of experience according to the Google search I had done on him. That was the problem with men like him though. Once they felt they had an ounce of power, they didn’t see anyone else. God forbid that I have any achievements that were greater than his.

As I was debating whether or not to check the message, I heard my phone vibrating across the coffee table as it rang. I pinched my eyes shut, trying to force myself to relax and rest now that I

had finally gotten comfortable. Next to me on the couch, within my reach, was the remote to the tv. I turned the volume up to drown out the sound of my phone as it continued to dance across the wooden surface. Finally, the laughter from the show filled the room and my body gave in to the sleep that I needed.

I couldn’t honestly tell you the amount of time it was from when I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the moment when they sprung open at the sound of someone banging incessantly on my door. I covered my ears with my hands and willed whoever it was to go away and leave me alone, praying that I wouldn’t have to get up from my new favorite spot. A few seconds later, it stopped and there was a blissful silence aside from the sound of the tv. Just as I was about to close my eyes and fall back asleep, I heard someone talking on the other side.

“Come on Eva, I know you’re in there. I can hear the tv,” Ethan’s voice crept in under the door and echoed in the small room.

“Go away, I’m sick,” I muttered, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear so I wouldn’t have to get up.

“Open the door. I’m not leaving until we talk,” he warned.

While he was proving to be one of the most persistent people I knew after watching him at work, I was probably one of the most stubborn people he would have to deal with. I rolled my eyes and rolled over, turning my back to the door. Within minutes, I felt my body relax and I started to fall back asleep. I was feeling peaceful, my dream filled with vivid colors as I danced around Time Square in my underwear to the soundtrack of Chicago. One thing that I knew for sure in my altered state was that he really did have it coming.

I was sinking deeper into my dream, making my way through the city as I continued on my tour when I felt someone shaking my arm. I groaned and rolled over, surprised to see Ethan sitting beside me on the edge of the couch. His brow was pulled together in concern as he looked at me, his brown eyes glistening in the beam of sunlight that was forcing its way through the small gap between the curtains.

“I said go away,” I mumbled and pulled my arm away.

“I’m not going anywhere until I know that you’re okay,” he replied with a hint of frustration.

“You’re not the boss of me,” I retorted, my eyes still closed with my face buried in the pillow.

“Actually, I am,” he chuckled. I felt the back of his hand as it pressed against my forehead before he muttered a couple of curse words and stood up. I could hear his voice off in the distance as he spoke but had no idea if he was talking to me or if he was really there. For all I knew, he was so pretentious that he would find a way to force his way into my dream.

Slowly, my dream started to fade as everything around me got darker. The room was quiet, and I could feel the weight of the blanket on top of me. I pulled my legs up under me and curled into the couch as I drifted in and out of sleep. A sleep that was so peaceful that I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept this good.