Page 69 of Cocky Counsel



Two Months Later

Even though I was a lawyer, I hated being in the courtroom. Being in corporate law, I didn’t have to sit in this uncomfortable seat and sweat my ass off while I waited for the verdict in some bullshit sexual harassment case against me. I looked over my shoulder and felt calmer when I saw Eva sitting next to Regina, smiling at me.

The judge entered the chamber, and everyone rose before being informed that we could be seated. The chairs shuffled against the floors of the quiet room, the sound of time ticking by at an irritatingly slow pace. Finally, the judge cleared his throat and began. I tuned everything out until he got to the sentence that I had been needing to hear. My ears perked up and I swear a chorus of angels sang in the back row when he announced that the case was being dismissed due to lack of evidence. I closed my eyes and pulled in a deep breath, feeling relieved that something had finally started to go right.

As the room cleared out, I noticed that Kate was still sitting in the back of the room, tears staining her face. I hadn’t seen Cora after she stormed out, and I had figured that Kate had gone with her. I stood up and straightened my tie before walking over to where Eva and Regina were still waiting for me. Garrett was off in the corner, talking with one of the lawyers from Hyde and Williamson that had shown up to support our office after their lawsuit was dismissed, giving us high hopes for the same result.

“Congratulations,” Eva cooed, wrapping her arms around me before planting a gentle kiss on my lips.

“Thank you, baby. I’m glad that it was dismissed.”

“Me too,” Regina piped in, smiling from ear to ear.

I looked past her to see Kate approaching us, her head tucked in shame.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” she asked quietly.

“I don’t think that’s the best idea,” I said sternly, placing my hand on Eva’s lower back to guide her away.

“Please—I know that I messed up and I just want the opportunity to explain what happened,” Kate insisted.

“I think we’re long past that,” Eva muttered under her breath. Kate looked at her and lowered her eyes.

“I’m sorry for what I did. I really am,” she said shakily. “I didn’t mean for things to go this far, and I never meant for you to get hurt.”

I put my hand up to stop her.

“This sounds like an admission of some sort, and you really need to stop and consider whether or not you should be speaking about this without legal counsel,” I warned. Not that I owed her anything, I just didn’t have it in me to worry about another fucking scandalous lawsuit.

“I’m fully aware of that, but I need to say this,” Kate continued. “I didn’t know that things would escalate this far, and if I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have gone through with it.” She pulled in a deep breath and looked between us.

“Cora and I have been dating for a few years now and we decided last year that we wanted to have a baby. You can understand how complicated that is for two women, unless you have the money to spend to do it the right way. Well, after several failed rounds of IVF with me, we didn’t have the money to spend for Cora to try. She was working for another attorney, and he was insistent on helping. It was a terrible idea, but he had offered his services and she had agreed. They’d had sex, and she hoped that she would get pregnant. While it wasn’t how we wanted to do it, in the end, we would have a baby, and that was all that mattered.”

She rubbed her hands down her jeans and looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was listening.

“Well, after they had sex, Cora didn’t want to do it again, but he became obsessed. He would constantly try to touch her and make the moves on her until it got so uncomfortable that she filed a complaint. Human Resources moved her to another department and brushed it under the carpet, so she quit and got a job with Roberts and Associates. After she started working with us, she overheard someone talking about a sexual harassment lawsuit where the woman won thousands of dollars, because the attorney didn’t want his wife to find out. That’s when Cora decided to file the lawsuit against the other attorney.”

I could feel my blood pressure rise as I listened, knowing where this was going.

“But then something happened, something changed,” Kate said and shook her head in shame. “Cora became obsessed with the idea of a quick and easy payout that she went after you next. I didn’t know that she had sex with you until after it had happened, and honestly, it almost broke us. But then she apologized for it, and we found out she was pregnant, so I decided that it was just a rough patch that we could work through.

“We were having a baby, and that’s what we wanted. Then she filed the lawsuit against you, and I couldn’t believe it. I asked her to undo it, to cancel it, but she wouldn’t. She was adamant that if she could win the two cases, then we would have enough money to never have to worry about anything again. I told her that it was wrong, that she had already gotten what she wanted. That we were getting what we wanted. A baby.”

Tears started to fall down her face as she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

“Cora was getting frustrated, because she wasn’t getting anywhere with the other lawsuit. Her lawyer was dragging his feet, which is what happens when you find the cheapest, shadiest lawyer out there. She convinced me to file a claim that you had sexually harassed me as well.” She lowered her eyes, unable to look at me. “I told her that I couldn’t do that because we were never around each other, but really, I just couldn’t do it to you.”

“But you did,” I bit out angrily.

“I know.” She nodded her head. “I felt like my life was crumbling beneath me, and when I walked into Eva’s office to grab my reports from the printer, I saw the chat up on her computer. It was a terrible moment of weakness and complete and utter stupidity on my part, but I was desperate. I printed them and held them in my drawer until I could find the strength to get rid of them.”

“And again, you didn’t,” Eva said, narrowing her eyes at Kate.

“I am so, very sorry. I could apologize every day for the rest of my life, and it would never be enough. I understand that. And I’m sorry for everything that Cora has put you through. If it makes you feel any better, we’ve broken up and she’s now having a baby with an attorney that won’t leave her alone now that he knows she’s carrying his baby.”