“Yeah, shit. And on top of that, we had just talked about how her sister’s husband hired Eva’s ex-fiancé to represent him in a custody battle. The same fiancé who was constantly cheating on Eva.”
“Well, dear brother, that’s some mess you’ve got.”
I leaned back in my chair and laughed.
“Really, that’s all you’ve got? Where’s your brotherly advice when I need it?”
“That’s the funny thing about love, no one can give you advice on it. You’re the only person who knows what she means to you and what you’re willing to do for her.” He sighed softly, adjusting his tie. “But I will say one thing…”
“What’s that?” I chuckled, knowing that he couldn’t walk away without saying at least one thing about it.
“Don’t be so afraid of falling in love that you stop it from happening. You deserve to be happy.”
He stood up and checked his watch.
“Well, I have to run. I’ve got a meeting in thirty minutes,” he said.
I glanced at my phone, mainly to see if Eva had texted or called. Nothing. I had a meeting with Graham in an hour, and I needed to get my head straight before he got there.
“Thanks for the talk,” I said warmly, reaching my hand out to shake his as we reached the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug instead.
It seemed that falling in love made you a pansy in all areas of your life. I rolled my eyes at the thought and adjusted my jacket before heading to my office. Somewhere, deep down inside, was the man that I used to be before I met Eva: the man that people ducked around and moved out of my way. Now I was the man that people smiled at and said hi to as I passed by. I groaned as I closed my office door and forced myself to get back in the game.