I finally reached my limit, and I’m too exhausted to even prevent my fall.
I can only wonder if Holmes ever experienced what it’s like to lose control.
Maybe this is what I always needed.
Control of my life.
Control in my choice.
The control to take the path I know I deserve.
The world tilts and fades, and I’m sinking into the darkness, but the warmth around me further wraps around me, like a safety blanket that’s determined to keep me protected from everything I fear around me.
For once, I give up fighting the darkness that wishes to comfort me.
For once…I let an Alpha hold me in his arms…knowing I’ll be okay.
Morning Melody
Consciousness returns slowly, like wading through thick honey.
My eyelids feel heavy as I struggle to open them, each blink bringing the unfamiliar room into sharper focus. My body aches while my head feels heavy, but I decide to take one step at a time.
Starting with the primary question.
Where am I?
The thought drifts lazily through my mind as I try to piece together my surroundings. This isn't the suite James had invited me in earlier. The energy is completely different. Where that space felt like a carefully curated showroom, this room practically breathes with personality.
Warm and cool tones illuminate the room like a unique welcome.
I attempt to sit up, immediately regretting the swift movement as my head pounds in protest. A groan escapes me as I press my palm against my temple, willing the throbbing to subside.
"Fuck," I mutter, squinting against even the dim lighting.
But as my vision adjusts, I can't help but be drawn into the details of the space around me. The room manages to walk a perfect line between luxury and comfort --- like someone took all the expected trappings of wealth and softened them with actual personality.
The walls are painted a deep navy that somehow doesn't make the space feel smaller. Instead, it creates depth, making the gold and cream accents pop like stars against a midnight sky. But unlike the sterile perfection of the suite's common areas, these walls tell stories.
Carefully arranged lighting creates a cocoon of warmth despite the covered windows. Recessed fixtures cast pools of light in varying temperatures — some cool and crisp, others warm and golden. The effect should be jarring, but instead, it feels...intentional.
Like someone put serious thought into how light affects mood.
Someone who understands the importance of controlling what you can and can't see.
The blackout curtains are drawn against what must be daylight, but enough illumination seeps around the edges to confirm it's sometime during the day. The fabric looks expensive — thick enough to block out even the harshest sun, but what catches my eye is the subtle pattern woven into the material. At first glance, they look like abstract shapes, but as my vision focuses, I realize they're constellations.
The little things that make this room feel lived in...
My attention is drawn to the wall opposite the bed, where an impressive collection of medals hangs in careful arrangement. They catch the light as I study them, metal gleaming against dark wood backings.
Track medals —lots of them— speak of someone who found peace in motion, in pushing their body to its limits.
The ribbons are faded with age but clearly preserved with care. Regional championships, state finals, and even a few national placements.
But it's the shooting medals that really catch my attention.