Page 101 of Hard Knot

Far from it.

"It means, technically, I own this circus you call a school now." My gaze shifts to Phillips, hardening. "And with a single word from you, I can gladly fire Advisor Phillips here for daring to frustrate my Omega."

I can see from the corner of my eye that my declaration has her cheeks flooding with heat, especially with the tone I’m using. The tension between us is electrifying me, reminding me of how things used to be way back then.

Academic rivals who dared to hide our romantic tendencies behind closed doors.

"She's not yours." Carter just has to emphasize a fact that may currently be correct, but I have every intention of changing that.

"True," I acknowledge and further tighten my arm around her waist. "I just arrived and had no idea Abercrombie was even up for a pack. This works out perfectly, actually."

Victoria steps forward.

"She's the Forgotten One!" she blurts, desperation making her voice crack. "She's rebellious, disobedient…she's been here for five years because no pack would take her! She's?—"

I don’t know why hearing her say all this shit is so fucking funny to me, but it has me laughing at a pitch that makes this bitch of an Omega flinch.

What a fucking hypocrite.

"You mean like how you've been through three different administrators' offices this month alone?" I asks casually, having enjoyed doing my research about her while Phillips was giving the run down to these Omegas.

Most people don’t realize how easy it is to track someone’s lifestyle, especially when you have money involved. With money, anything can be obtained, including all the info needed to bring someone down.

Reputation and all.

"Or should we discuss the creative ways you've earned your academic achievements?" My smile only grows. “The former staff were quite...forthcoming with information before I terminated their employment."

Victoria's face drains of color. Phillips, on the other hand, clears his throat as if this situation is salvageable.

Far from it.

"As...compelling as this development is, I'm afraid Ms. Abercrombie has already signed the final documents submitting to her dismissal from Knot Academy at the end of the semester."


The fact that this man believes a few papers with some squiggly lines in ink is going to permanently rid me of my girl now that she’s finally in my grasp is beyond laughable.

This fucker really is underestimating me.

I guess I can see why.

Most don’t know who I am. Haven’t seen how I run this empire behind the scenes.

It’s not a problem though.

I can show them a glimpse now.

Elizabeth’s head snaps up in shock as she realizes what Phillip just stated.

"What?" I can see her trying to think of the gravity of the situation; attempting to grasp that those papers she’d been so focused on reading was a trap waiting to capture her at a moment that was most convenient to them.

"Did you sign them?" I decide to ask her, not like it matters.

I can fix the situation regardless.

I notice immediately from the way her eyes widened with a sense of dread that she’s overthinking things. She used to do that all the time in school or during rehearsals when things were getting so overwhelming in her head, she’d freeze.

Which can lead to panic attacks…and that’s not going to make this situation any better.