She must have moved because he noticed her and smiled. A rush of tingles raced all the way to her toes. Pushing those reservations aside, she decided that for once she needed a little fun. Cynthia Myers needed to let loose. And she was sure Chris Dupree was just the man to help her.
Chris watched Cynthia pour the champagne into the paper cup and tried to remember if there was an open-container law in Georgia. When they had first approached her car, he’d taken the keys from her, making sure not to allow her to drive. He’d thought by the time they made it to the hotel, she would be more sober.
She topped off the cup and planted the bottle between her legs. Fortunately for him, she had to pull up her dress to accomplish it. The woman had a set of legs that he’d kill to have wrapped around his waist. His cock twitched at the thought. Gripping the steering wheel tighter, he turned his attention back to the road. He’d be lucky if he didn’t pass out from loss of blood.
“You know,” she said and paused to hiccup, then leaned in closer as if to whisper. Instead, she yelled in his ear. “This is the first time I wasn’t the designated driver.”
“Really? I’d never have guessed it. You seem like an experienced drinker.”
She shot him a look out of the corner of her eye and snorted. “Little do you know, I have only been drunk once before this. And it was an accident.”
He couldn’t let that comment go by. “An accident?”
“Yes, see. I have this thing for chocolate.”
He waited for her to continue while he took the exit for his hotel. When she didn’t explain further, he asked, “What does chocolate have to do with liquor?”
She finished off her cup, making many large slurping noises that he was sure would embarrass her later when she remembered.Ifshe remembered.
“That’s where the alcohol was, silly.”
She giggled. Damn, she was cute when she drank. He knew she would be horrified when she sobered up, but with her hair mussed and a sloppy smile curving her lips, she was irresistible. He wanted to start at her feet and nibble his way up her body. He was going to have to sober her up some way. While he did, he had to keep his hands off her. And considering the “not quite there” boner he was sporting, that was going to be difficult.
He cleared his throat as he tried to think of what they had been talking about. “So, you ate some chocolate and got drunk. When was this?”
“Christmas, my freshman year at Valdosta State before I switched over to the University of Georgia. Lord, I got so drunk, and just off of rum balls. And you know what?”
When she didn’t continue, he realized she hadn’t meant it to be rhetorical. “What?”
She looked at him, squinting with one eye. She had the look of a drunk trying to figure out if it were just him standing in front of her or a few others had joined him. “I think that’s why I lost my virginity. Brett was really cute, and we were going to some dance, and I thought, ‘no big deal’.” She grunted. “No big deal, for sure. And he blamed me. I mean, Iwasthe virgin. You would think a senior would know what he was about.”
As she talked about sex, it was impossible not to think of what it would be like to hear her moan his name. Visions of silken sheets and warm thighs almost overwhelmed his better senses. Hell, he didn’t need much help in contemplating that. The woman might dress like a priss, but when she drank, there was a sensuality to her, from the sway of her hips to the way she smiled. Her sexy nature was restrained, making it all the more tempting to unwrap her and watch her explode.
Dangerous, Chris.She was drunk, and he never took advantage of a woman in that condition.
He pulled into the parking lot of his hotel and found a parking space not too far from the entrance. After getting out and rounding the back end of the car, he opened Cynthia’s door. He moved fast to catch her as she nearly fell on her ass.
“Well, thank you, kind sir.”
He righted her, his hands at her waist. She giggled again. “You know, I’ve been wondering what it would feel like to have your hands on me.”
Arousal did a sharp upward turn, as did his cock. She leaned against him, wiggling her backside. Her skirt was thin, and with her pressing against him the way she was, his excitement soared. His mouth went dry even as he tried to swallow. Sweat broke out on his forehead as he thought about standing behind her, sliding his cock up her tight ass.
Really not good.
He bit back an oath and reached around to close the car door. He pulled her away from him, making sure there was space between their bodies.
Looking down at her, he laughed. Her hair had passed styled about three cups earlier.
“Why don’t we have a little coffee before you go home?”
She stepped back, bumped into her car, crossed her arms beneath her breasts and frowned at him. “I don’t have a home anymore.”
He sighed, knowing this was going to be hard. Cynthia was definitely not his type, but there was something attractive about her disgruntled expression. He knew he was in trouble then. When a woman looking mean at you turned you on, you were in big trouble, or so his father claimed.
“Listen. We’ll worry about home later. Let’s drink some coffee and see how you’re feeling.”