“I think we need to move this to the bedroom, Chris.”
She felt Chris nod and Evan stood. As he turned and walked toward the bedroom, Chris moved his hands from her breasts to her waist, urging her forward. It was hard for her to walk since her body was throbbing. Each step was excruciatingly arousing.
Once they reached the bedroom, she noticed that Evan was already undressing. She watched, unable to turn away from the sight in front of her. Chris was gorgeous, the only man she wanted for a lifetime and more. Evan’s body was harsher, his muscles sculpted from his years in construction. She licked her lips when he pulled down his pants and revealed his throbbing erection. A bit longer than Chris’s cock, Evan’s was not quite as thick. It jutted out from a nest of golden-brown hair, the crown of it purple, with a pearl of cum wetting the head of it. She licked her lips again.
A stinging slap on her rear end broke her attention. It vibrated down to her pussy. “Don’t be bad, Cynthia,” Chris said, but she heard the amusement in his voice. He moved from behind her and undressed in record time. Then he held his hand out to her. “Come on, baby.”
She smiled at him, and his eyes lit with delight. She took his hand and allowed him to guide her to the bed. He pulled open the drawer to the bedside table, retrieving a set of padded cuffs she hadn’t seen before, along with a blindfold.
“Lie down, arms above your head, palms up.”
At first, she didn’t follow his orders. Not because she didn’t want to, but her fear of submitting to him rose unheeded. Would she lose herself again? She looked up at Chris. He waited patiently by the bed. Waiting for her decision. Again, he was leaving it up to her.
With a deep breath, she followed his instructions, allowing him to attach the restraints. As soon as Chris finished, Evan placed the blindfold over her eyes, throwing her into darkness.
Panic came first. She didn’t like not being able to see what was happening around her. Her pulse scrambled, and her throat started to close up on her.
“Breathe,” Evan said. He touched her shoulder, his fingers massaging her tense muscles. “Just let your other senses take over.”
She focused on the feel of his gentle touch and the reassuring tone of his voice. Drawing in a gulp of air, she calmed herself and followed Evan’s advice. As her heartbeat slowed, her other four senses took over. She felt Evan pull away, but she didn’t freak out. Instead, she listened to the sound of the two men moving around the room.
“You know the reason for this, of course.” Chris’s voice was huskier. She curled her toes. The back of someone’s fingers brushed the side of her breast. “It will heighten your enjoyment. Taking one sense away allows you to the use the others more. Are you still okay?”
She smiled at the worry in his voice. “Yes.”
Chris was right. Her sense of smell sharpened. She could even tell the men apart. Evan’s scent was enticing, spicy. But Chris’ aroused her. It called to her, swept through her blood.
She felt a tongue move over her nipple, and she shuddered. The bed dipped on her left side, where Evan had been standing. He lay beside her, the heat of his body warming her. Nipping at her ear, he rolled her nipple between his fingers, applying just enough pressure. A spark of electricity shot through her veins. She jolted.
Evan’s fingers stopped moving. “Don’t move.”
His hard voice washed over her. Absolute authority rang in his tone, but instead of rebelling, it awakened something deep within her. Something that sent heat licking down her spine.
As soon as she settled, Evan resumed his task. He soon replaced his fingers with his mouth, grazing his teeth over the tip of her nipple, then sucking hard as he had earlier.
Chris joined them on the bed. He took her lips in a scorching, wet kiss, even as his fingers danced down her body to her cunt, slipping between her drenched folds. She stiffened as his thumb brushed her clit.
She wanted—no needed—to come. The ache pulsed, her abdominal muscles tightening painfully. Cynthia gritted her teeth and tried to think of something—anything—to keep her from coming.
Lifting his head so his mouth was just a few inches away, Chris said, “Baby. You’re so wet.” He pressed harder, and tension built in her stomach, heat slipping down between her legs. Another gush of cream filled her pussy.
Just as she reached the point she was sure she would come, Chris pulled his hand away. “Not just yet,chéri.”
She groaned, although it came out as more of a growl. Both men chuckled appreciatively, but it didn’t make them move any faster. She flexed her hands, irritated that she couldn’t call the shots. But even as her mind wanted the control, her body was responding. She shivered as Evan’s tongue slid along her soaked channel. He murmured appreciatively, the sound sending a vibration to her very core. At the same time, Chris was concentrating on her breasts. His tongue rasped over one nipple, fingers pinching the other. Soon, he had both breasts so sensitive that when he blew on her nipples, she almost came.
With each little lick, each touch, each erotic whisper, they pushed her to the edge of her sanity, ratcheting up the pressure.
“Come on, baby,” Chris whispered, his mouth still hot on her skin. “Let go, come for me.”
Every molecule of her being insisted on relief, but she couldn’t. Something within her held back, something that just wouldn’t allow her the relief she needed so desperately.
Evan lifted his mouth away from her.
“You’re still trying to control.” He let loose a disgusted sigh. “You don’t get to choose when you come.Wedo.”
Authority threaded his tone. Irritation surged. She opened her mouth to tell him just what she thought of him. But before a word came out, he slapped her pussy. The sting of the smack left her speechless, as did the one that followed. It vibrated deep within her sex.
He blew against her skin as Chris dragged his teeth over the tip of her nipple. One more slap, then Evan set about feasting on her again. His tongue invaded immediately. Cynthia’s blood roared in her head, her body taking over, not allowing her mind any control. The muscles of her inner thighs shook, the tremor winding around the pleasure. As Evan added his finger again, she felt the control slip from her grip.