“You didn’t tell me she was so smart, not to mention that nasty temper.”

Chris paused in wiping the counter. Cynthia did have a temper she rarely showed and only to those people she trusted. She held back her true personality traits because of her lack of confidence in her abilities.

“Well, that’s impressive.”

“That I pissed off your woman? Not really. Seems to be something I’m good at.”

Chris started his chore again. “No. It’s good. She wouldn’t have stood up to you if she hadn’t felt comfortable with you.”

“Then mission accomplished. Last week she looked like she was waiting for me to pounce on her, but if that kiss is anything to judge by, she doesn’t have any more worries.”

“Yeah, I noticed that kiss.”

Evan looked down at his glass. “It was nothing.”

For a moment, Chris couldn’t say anything. His mind was frozen on the fact that Evan Chambers, who’d had enough sexual escapades to make a seasoned whore blush, was sitting at his bar embarrassed by a little kiss.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No.” He studied his glass for a second longer before taking another sip. “Have you told her about us?”

“Us? I had no idea you had feelings for me.”

Evan’s lips quirked before he looked at Chris. “Smartass. I mean about us sharing women.”

Chris rubbed the back of his neck. “No, not yet. It isn’t like we did it that often and that was before I stopped going to Rough ’n Ready.”

Evan’s smile turned evil. “It wouldn’t be because you’re avoiding telling her, is it?”

“Maybe. Part of me wants to tell her, but then another part of me is afraid I’ll freak her out.”

“I think Ms. Cynthia is more than able to handle something like that. The longer you put it off, the worse it will get.”

Uncomfortable with the subject, Chris decided to change it. “Yeah, seems like you two learned a lot about each other. I mean, before she left, she didn’t even want to have lunch with you. Now, you’re like kissing cousins.”

“Shut up.” Evan frowned, took another long gulp of his drink, and slammed it down on the bar. “I gotta go.”

He abruptly stood and strode out of the restaurant, completely ignoring a rather well-built blonde. Not only did he not notice the woman, but he let the front door slam in her face.

Chris chuckled. It was about time Evan had his world tilted sideways. His friend saw women in black and white, good or bad. There was no in between for him.

He shook away his thoughts of Evan as he walked back to the office. He’d been worried over the lunch. Worried that Cynthia would refuse, or that Evan would offend her in some way, completely on purpose. If their relationship remained awkward, his plans would be ruined. She didn’t hate Evan, but she’d never seemed to relax around him until today.

As he let himself into his office, Chris turned over the next problem to solve. He had to be patient enough to allow Cynthia to complete her journey. Submitting was something within him he wanted to give her, but the part of him that wanted—needed—to dominate her itched to be set free. It clawed his belly and roared through his blood.

With a sigh, he dropped into his chair. He would force himself to accommodate her development. The changes in her the last several weeks were too precious to jeopardize with his eagerness to complete their journey.

He prayed it was damn soon, or he might just go insane.

Chapter Thirteen

As Michelle placed their meals in front of them later that night, Chris resisted the urge to growl.Arouseddidn’t even begin to describe how he felt. When he’d seen the way Cynthia was dressed, the way the black fabric clung to her curves, the sexy thigh-high boots, the only thought he’d had was to strip her naked—leaving the boots on of course—and fuck her. What was pushing him closer to the edge was her little game. That Cynthia had decided to play the role of a complete Domme was as exciting as it was irritating.

She leaned forward, closed her eyes, and drew in a deep breath, affording Chris an excellent view of her cleavage. This time he didn’t fight the growl.

“Hmm, something sure smells good.” After making that statement, she sat back, the satisfied smile on her face telling him she knew just what she was doing. She twirled the linguine around her fork and raised it to her mouth, then stopped, looking at his plate. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

Chris comforted himself with the thought that this would somehow pay off in the end. Without a word, he picked up his fork and dug into his meal.