“Really? I’ve never been a man grandmas liked. Well, except my own.”

“My grandmother was a bit of a progressive, especially for coming from such an old Southern family. She believed in free love, and she definitely believed in following your heart. I know, although my parents tried to hide it from me, that she was living with her boyfriend when she died.”

“Nothing wrong with that.”

“No, but then, he was half Hawaiian and half black. Not the thing to do, according to my father. Besides, she hated my father.”

“Then I think I would have very much liked your grandmother.” He reached across the table, took her hand in his, tangling their fingers. “Feel better?”

“Yes.” The weight she had been bearing seemed to be lifting. She wasn’t used to having someone to share her worries with. “Thanks for listening.”

“No problem. So, back to your visit.” He caressed the delicate skin between her thumb and index finger, his concentration on their joined hands. The intensity of his gaze caused her heartbeat to accelerate.

“I’m not visiting.”

He paused and looked at her. “What are you saying?”

She drew in a deep breath and said, “I’m seriously thinking about moving here.”

Chris studied her for a couple of seconds, his expression completely blank. His lips curved. “I like that idea.” He stood, tugging her up out of her chair. “How about I show you how much I like it?”

Chris settled against the pillows in his bed while he watched Cynthia pull on her pants. He sighed with regret when her red panties disappeared from view. It was a shame he was still naked, ready for another bout of lovemaking, and she was getting dressed.

“I thought if some of my crew actually showed up not sick today, we could go out tonight.”

She glanced at him and smiled. The sight of it hit him right in the chest, his heart flip-flopping. He couldn’t believe she was here.

“I think that’s a great idea. I have to head on over to my grandmother’s house, get the things taken care of. I need to check to see if any mail has arrived and make sure they start delivering to the house.”

She tugged her shirt over her head, then ran her hand through her hair. The sleek bob she’d had when he met her was now a mass of golden curls. The changes in her appearance and in her demeanor were amazing. The reserve she’d used to shield herself was still there, but beneath the surface he sensed her acceptance that she was someone other than that buttoned-down, unhappy woman.

“How about I take you out on the town, show you Waikiki and Honolulu nightlife?”

“I’d like that a lot.”

She placed her hands on the bed and leaned close, her lips brushing over his. It was barely a touch, not much of a kiss, but the sweet, hot taste of her had his blood humming and his cock stirring. Not able to resist, he slipped his hand up over her shoulder to the base of her neck. He tangled his fingers in her silky mane, adding pressure to the back of her head, urging her to deepen the kiss. When she complied, he groaned and yanked her down on top of him, then rolled over, reversing their positions.

By the time he pulled back from the kiss they were both breathing heavily, and a pretty flush of heat colored her chest and face.

“Chris, I need to get some things done today.”

He loved the way she talked, especially when she was aroused. Southern hospitality with a douse of sin warmed that chilly Junior League tone.

“But just one more little meal will keep the beast at bay for a few hours.”

She opened her mouth to argue, and he leaned down to kiss her again, stopping any opposition. As usual, she returned his ardor, causing another pulse of lust to shoot through his blood.

He dipped down, nipping and licking her jaw, then throat. Through the fabric of her shirt, he kissed each breast but continued his descent to his target. It didn’t take much to convince her to take off her pants and panties. The lips of her pussy were already dewy with desire. Chris drew in a deep breath, taking in the musky scent of her passion, enjoying that he could make her this hot this fast.

Wanting—noneeding—a taste, he slipped his tongue into her slit and moaned. Soon, she was coming, her body bowed with her orgasm. Chris slid up her body and drove into a warm, wet, cunt. As he moved, he felt her building to another peak, and this time he wanted to be with her. Moments later, they came, her fingernails digging into his shoulders as he shouted her name.

He collapsed on top of her, and when she grunted from the blow of his weight, he rolled to his side. His breath caught at the sight of her pleasure. Her eyes were closed, her skin flushed, and she wore a cat-ate-the-canary smile. The hair she had been trying to tame earlier was in disarray again.

Chris didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her. Did she know how she affected him? How with each little sigh she was killing him by inches? The need to tell her of his feelings, to tell her he loved her, almost overwhelmed him, but he knew she wasn’t ready. If he proclaimed it now, she wouldn’t believe him, and worse, she would run. He couldn’t have that.

Chris leaned down to kiss her temple and smiled as she snuggled closer to him. He just hoped it wouldn’t take much more to convince her of it because he didn’t know how long he could hold back the words.

Cynthia juggled the load of mail she’d picked up at the PO as she tried to get her front door unlocked. She almost dropped all of it when her cell phone played Beethoven’s Fifth, heralding a call from Max. It took a couple more tries before she got the key in the lock. When she pushed the door open, she stumbled across the threshold, her mail falling from her arms, scattering across the wooden floor. The cell had quit ringing but just as she figured it would, it started up again. Max never could wait for voice mail.