He chuckled. “Oh, I know all about that, Ms. Cynthia. My mother didn’t allow any of her children to show disrespect.”
She didn’t know what to say to that. Apparently, she’d lost her ability to hold idle chit-chat, something she’d excelled at just the day before. It was this man’s fault. He was smiling at her, talking to her in a voice that promised lazy Sundays in bed.
Oh, bad idea, Cynthia. Don’t think about this man and bed.Sex with Chris Dupree was way out of her league. The man oozed sensuality with every move. He looked like a man who knew what he wanted and didn’t have a problem going after it. Max was like that. But where Max had made her nervous, Chris made her uncomfortable. Cynthia had a feeling Chris would know how to ease her discomfort, starting with those magnificent hands. Again, her face heated as her mind conjured up images of the two of them.
What was wrong with her? Hell, she didn’t even like the act. And why was she thinking about bedding this man? Or thinking of any man in that area? So, what if just the thought of him wearing nothing but that smile made her nipples harden?
She cleared her throat. “Your mother sounds a lot like mine. Max said you grew up in New Orleans, but you live in Honolulu now?”
He nodded, his gaze never leaving her face. Oh Lord, she was babbling. She shifted her feet, trying to ignore the dampness between her thighs. Her panties rubbed against her mound, ratcheting up her tension.
“Do I make you uncomfortable, Ms. Cynthia?” He stretched out her name, emphasizing the “Cyn” part of it. She had to hand it to the man—he knew how to make a woman pant. And drool. She was tempted to wipe her mouth to check.
“Chris, I have an idea that you know exactly what you’re making me feel.”
His eyes widened in feigned innocence. “You think I’m doing it on purpose?”
She didn’t miss the way his eyes skimmed down her body, pausing briefly in the area of her breasts. He had to know she was turned-on. Her nipples were pressing against her blouse.
“I don’t think you do it on purpose. It probably just comes naturally.”
He threw back his head and laughed, the sound of it drawing the attention of people close by. Nerves already out of whack stretched thinner, and she drained her glass. She didn’t need this stress. It had been a difficult few months, and now having a man whom she could never handle flirt with her—it was too much. Not to mention the interested stares of people she knew.
Then the absurdity of the situation hit her. This man wasn’t hitting on her. Men like him would never be interested in Cynthia. A bubble of laughter escaped before she could stop it.
“Seems like you two are having a good time.”
Cynthia jumped as Max’s disapproving voice cut through their laughter. She peeked back over her shoulder and had to fight a giggle. The thunderous expression on his face reminded her of a big brother itching to bust a few heads on her behalf. She would always see him as that and would have even if they had married. The one smart thing she did was break off their engagement. Anna slipped around him and approached Cynthia and Chris.
“Good Lord, we can’t have that, Max. We spent a freaking fortune on the reception. People enjoying themselves is something we wouldn’t want.”
Anna winked at Cynthia. She couldn’t help it, she laughed again. When a waiter walked by with another tray of champagne glasses, Cynthia traded her empty one for a full one.
“Anna, Max is right. A Myers does not show enjoyment in public. One might think they were…I don’t know…” she said, leaning forward and almost falling, “human.”
She blew a lock of hair out of her eyes and straightened, losing her balance. Stepping back to steady herself, she came up against something very solid, very hard. Her body jumped to life as arousal swept through her. Chris’s crisp, clean scent enveloped her senses. For a half second—okay, a whole second or two—she thought about leaning into him, having his arms wrap around her, feeling his lips brush her ear.
Anna laughed. “I think you should get something to eat, Cynthia.”
Cynthia shook her head and pulled away from Chris. If she stayed close to him like that, she would end up embarrassing herself by rubbing up against him. And there was no need for that. She was a Myers. It simply wasn’t done. Although it would be really nice to kiss him. His lips were full, sensuous, and Cynthia would bet her newest pair of Jimmy Choos that the man would make her bones melt. And she had never been a melty kinda woman.
“I’m fine. Just need to slow down on the champagne.” With that announcement, she drained the glass of its contents and slammed it down on a nearby table. Her head wobbled, slightly off balance, as if it were floating about three feet above her body.
“Cynthia, I think you need to sit down.” Max’s eyes clouded with concern.
She snorted. “I don’t need to sit down. I need to dance.”
The band began playing another waltz. She grabbed Max’s hand. “I’m borrowing your husband, Anna.”
Anna laughed as Cynthia led Max to the dance floor and further away from the temptation Chris Dupree presented. Even as lightheaded as she was, she knew her life was beyond complicated. And Chris, with his sinfully beautiful body, was one extra complication she needed to avoid.
Chapter Two
Chris watched as Max twirled Cynthia around the floor. His friend had more courage than he did. A woman who appeared to have had nothing to eat, with that much champagne, would not hold on to it for very long. But Max didn’t seem to be in control of the situation, which was a little entertaining.
“I guess I shouldn’t be so amused, but I can’t help it,” Anna said with a laugh.
Chris looked down at her and smiled. Again, he was struck by just how well Anna suited Max. All through college, Max had been so controlled, and Chris could see how a woman like Anna would loosen Max up. He hadn’t seen his best friend so relaxed in all the time Chris had known him.