“Yes, with Chris.” Anna groaned. “You didn’t actually waste a perfectly good body and do the right thing, did you? Please tell me you did something bad.”

Cynthia thought about her seduction, the way they’d made love the last time, him in the chair…

Her face flushed, and Anna laughed. “Ahh, you didn’t waste it. Okay, how was it? Tell me it was worth it.”

How was it? How did she describe the best sex of her life? She smiled, and Anna hugged her.

“If it wasthatgood, I’m glad I pushed you to do it. Every woman deserves a man who puts that look on her face.” Anna released her. “Now, about that job. When I return, I would like you to start baking for me.”

She had been harping on this for months. One of the little things they kept between them is that it had been Cynthia’s recipe for their wedding cake.

“Anna, really, I have enough money.”

Anna threw the shoes on her bed. “Listen, Cynthia, this isn’t about money. This is about making some of the most sinful cookies I’ve ever tasted. Plus, you know that Gerard is leaving after I return, and I’m going to need help.” Cynthia nodded. “What about biscotti? You were talking about them a few weeks ago.”

Cynthia grinned, remembering the spring break trip she’d taken to a cooking school. While other students were baking in the Florida sun, she had been learning all kinds of baking techniques. “Yes, several types. Almond is one of my favorites, but I do make a wonderful macadamia nut biscotti. My own recipe.”

Anna closed her eyes and sighed in appreciation. When she opened them, Cynthia saw the businesswoman no one messed with. “Okay, you don’t have a choice. Youareworking for me.”

There was a knock at the door, and before either of them said a word, Max opened it. He was wearing his brotherly frown, and immediately she was worried. Was her father or brother here? Had they called? Tension coiled in her stomach, a sharp pain radiating from the center.

“Chris Dupree is on your phone.” He held out her phone.

Anna smirked, and he noticed and frowned harder at her. Not wanting any more tension, Cynthia tried to intervene.

“Thanks, Max.” She held her hand out, but he pinned her with a glare.

“How did he get your number?” His suspicious tone irritated her. He had no right to question her.

Before she could stop herself, she answered, “I gave it to him when I left his room.” He looked somewhat relieved, so she went in for the kill. “This morning.”

He opened his mouth, but Anna, thank the good Lord, stopped him by grabbing the phone and handing it to her. “We’ll be downstairs.”

As soon as the door shut, Cynthia’s heart began to beat harder. Her mouth suddenly went dry. Lifting the receiver to her ear, she tried again to sound casual.

“Hello, Chris.”

“Hey,chéri. How are you doing?”

She shouldn’t fall for it, but his lyrical voice melted some of her reserve. “Doing okay. I just left you a few hours ago.”

He exhaled. A sound so plaintive it made her laugh. “Yes, I know, but, darlin’, I’m already missing you.”

A little thrill raced down her spine. She’d never had a man say that to her. Even though she knew it was harmless flirting, it didn’t stop her heart from doing somersaults.

“Max didn’t sound too happy to talk to me.”

“Oh, he’s just playing big brother. Don’t worry about him.”

“Hmm, well I don’t like him playing anything with you.” His voice hardened just a bit, taking on an edge she hadn’t heard before. He grunted, as if trying to control his temper. When he spoke, his voice had softened again. “So, what are your plans today?”

“I told you I was coming over here to Anna’s.”

“You did that. Now do you want to do something fun?”

She laughed. “Yeah, what do you have in mind?”

There was silence for a second, and she realized he had expected her to fight him on it. Then he said, “How about dinner?”