“Hmmm.” That was all she said before she leaned forward to lick and suck his balls. Jesus. He’d created a monster.
Before he was satisfied, she was moving away again. She stood, wiggled out of her skirt, tugged off her shirt and bra and unhurriedly removed her panties. Grabbing the one condom left, she tore it open, pulled it out and approached him.
“Now,” she said as she bent over to put it on. “You be a good boy, and I’ll be nice.”
The teasing in her voice was new, but there was also another element. Steel laced her words, telling him that at this point she was in control. Once the condom was on, she stepped back and paused. Chris realized she was waiting for him to agree. Not able to form words—kind of hard with all the blood drained from his head—he nodded.
She smiled at him as if he owned the world, and at that moment, he thought he did. Approaching him, she straddled his hips and slid down his cock. Her ultra-tight pussy gripped him, caressing his dick with each movement.
When she finally slid all the way down, she leisurely began to rise. Deliberately, he was sure, she moved slowly, riding him at a pace guaranteed to drive him insane. Irritated, frustrated, and out of patience, he grabbed hold of her hips, wanting to urge her to move faster. In less than a second, she captured his wrists and tugged them behind his head.
Looking down at him with eyes filled with arousal, she shook her head. “No, Chris.” Even though her voice was breathless, she projected the aura of someone in charge. Another jolt of lust lanced through him, increasing his hunger, pushing him on. There was nothing in this world as sexy as a Domme realizing her power.
She began to increase her speed. He could tell she was close. Her muscles tightened around his shaft, pulling him deeper. Within moments, she was out of control, slamming down on him hard. She released his hands to cup his face as her mouth settled on his in a wet, openmouthed kiss.
Her pussy contracted on his cock. She devoured his mouth, her moans coming out muffled. When she tore her lips away, she leaned her head back, closing her eyes. “Now, Chris, baby, come with me now.”
That plea pushed him over the edge, and as she shuddered with her release, he followed, the tension in his body bursting free as he came.
Long minutes passed until he shook himself out of his stupor. Cynthia was draped over him, his cock still inside of her, her breath shuddering across his skin. He drew her tighter against him, and she snuggled, like a kitten in need of attention. With what little strength he had left, he lifted both of them out of the chair, eased out of Cynthia and laid her on the mattress. After discarding the condom, he stood beside the bed and watched her sleep. It was hard to believe this was the same woman who had blushed just the day before when she held his hand.
Warmth spread through his chest, his heart almost dropping to his stomach when he realized that she could really get to him. He’d given up hope of finding someone who might be comfortable with his role as a switch. Women didn’t always accept a man who didn’t want to control every time in bed. Especially in the lifestyle. They expected you to pick one side or the other. Be dominant or submissive. But in Cynthia, he thought he might have found a woman who could accept him and his desires.
He just didn’t expect to need her so much. Shaking his head, he climbed into bed with her and pulled her up next to him. Contentment filled the sigh she released as she rubbed her head against the underside of his jaw. As hismamanhad always said, he wouldn’t borrow trouble. He would take one day at a time.
Cynthia removed one tray of chocolate chip cookies, placed it on top of the stove and put another prepared tray inside the oven. When she’d left Chris just a couple of hours earlier, she hadn’t expected to feel this…lonely. She’d only met the man the day before, and now it felt like she had lost a part of herself. Silly, she knew, and a bit juvenile, but she couldn’t help it. And even if she could, she didn’t want to.
She’d discovered a new part of herself with Chris.Boldwasn’t a word people used to describe her. Hell, most people didn’t even notice her when she was standing right next to them. But last night, and especially that morning, she’d shocked the heck out of herself. Not once in her past had she initiated sex, let alone done the things she’d done to Chris. She couldn’t really help it. There was a way about Chris, something in the way he looked at her, treated her, that made her want to take chances. And when she did, the surge of power gained from it was almost as frightening as it was invigorating.
She shook away those reflections and continued on with her task. As she removed the cookies to the rack to cool, she heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. She cringed, considering what Max had thought of her going off with Chris the night before. Max would always be the big brother she wished she’d had, rather than the one she did have. Her feelings of embarrassment had nothing to do with their past romantic relationship. There had been little romance and lots of business dealings tied to their proposed marriage. She just didn’t want to disappoint him.
As usual, Anna burst into her house. Anna never did anything by half measures, from all her curly hair that she couldn’t control, to the way she dressed, to the way she behaved. Cynthia had envied her from the time they’d met in high school.
“Cynthia!” Anna pulled her into an embrace, and for the first time, Cynthia truly returned the hug. Physical contact wasn’t something she was accustomed to. Her family disdained it. Anna let go and smiled at her. “Gonna tell me what happened last night?”
Anna glanced around the kitchen, which was still a mess from Cynthia’s frenzy of baking. Measuring cups and mixing bowls littered the countertops along with a smattering of flour.
“What the hell is all this?”
“I…I tend to bake when I need to think. You know that.”
That was a little secret they shared. Granted, it was a stupid thing to keep a secret, but for some reason, she liked sharing it with Anna. Not even Max knew about it.
Max joined them. Without an invitation or even a word to either one of them, he helped himself to a handful of cookies.
“New recipe?” Anna asked, grabbing a cookie out of Max’s hand. She popped it into her mouth and hummed, closing her eyes. After swallowing, she reopened her eyes. “This is not simply baking. You used macadamia nuts, but these cookies are richer than the ones I make.”
Cynthia smiled. “I raided your liquor cabinet. Just a little Kahlua before you add the nuts and chips. Works well with cakes, also.”
“It gives them more of a decadent taste. I mean, the chocolate melts, but the cookie itself seems to dissolve the moment it touches your tongue,” Anna said, seizing another cookie Max had just picked up.
He frowned at her and smiled at Cynthia. “You know, if I’d known you could bake like this, I might have tried harder to hold onto you.”
Anna laughed even as she punched his arm and turned her attention to Cynthia. “Gonna give me this recipe too, or will you finally work in my kitchen?”
“What the hell is this?” Max asked.
Cynthia looked at her ex-fiancé, still happy that for once she had fought her father on this one thing. She would have been married to Max, and he didn’t even know her. Like her love of cooking. The truth is, Cynthia didn’t want to admit that her best friend growing up had been the family cook. It was embarrassing how starved she’d been for anyone to notice her that she’d spent days in the kitchen learning to bake.