She drew in a deep breath and swallowed. Even in the dim light he could see her pulse beat a rapid tattoo in her throat. For all her bravado, this was hard for her. The power was intoxicating. Personal experience taught him the unbelievable thrill of domination. But for someone like Cynthia, someone who had no experience in this sort of thing, it could be just as frightening.
“You’re wearing too many clothes.” The words came out in a whispered rush, as if she were afraid of saying what she desired. Chris was sure he could teach her that there was nothing wrong with what she wanted.
He couldn’t stop the tiny smile that statement caused. “And what would you have me do about it?”
She stepped back, the outsides of her thighs brushing his. His skin already burned with the need to be caressed by her hands, by her mouth. The fabric of his pants rubbed against his inner thighs and his balls, increasing his arousal.
Another jolt of heat rushed through him. A slight touch and he was ready to explode. He resisted the urge to give his cock a stroke because he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t blow his load with that one pump.
“Stand up.” This time her voice was more forceful, more confident. And damn if there wasn’t another burst of lust warming his blood at that sound.
He complied, his pants undone, hanging on his hips. She walked around him, gently urging him to step away from the bed. The bedsprings squeaked as she sat down.
“You can turn around.”
He did, knowing the rules of the game even if she didn’t. When he saw her reclining on the bed, one arm over her head, those pretty pink nipples hard and pointing right at him, it was hard not to sayfuck the gameand jump her right then and there. She must have seen something in his face because when he met her gaze, her eyes widened. He curled his fingers into his palms.
Her gaze slipped down his body, her breath hitching when she reached his groin. She licked her lips, and his dick twitched, another drop of cum rising to wet the head.
She cleared her throat. “Now, take off your pants.” He grabbed the waistband, but she stopped him with her next comment. “And do it slowly.”
The gritty determination in her voice resembled a command rather than a request. Her excitement, and the strength he felt growing within her, awakened something he thought dead. This went beyond lust or desire. She was lying there on the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of thigh-highs, tossing commands at him.
As she’d ordered, he slid his pants down. Once he’d tossed them to the side, along with his socks, he straightened. Her pink tongue swept over her plump lips again, leaving behind a glaze of wetness. She was going to drive him crazy with that tongue. He could imagine it gliding down his chest, past his stomach, to his—
“Turn around.”
Again, he was struck by the command in her voice. She was gaining confidence and driving him out of his mind in the process. He did as instructed. When he turned so that he faced away from the bed, he stopped moving. She shifted her weight and the bed creaked. His breath caught in his throat as she approached him. Chris didn’t need sound to tell him she was near. Her feminine musk mixed with her perfume was strong enough for him to smell, but there was also something else, something electric in him when she drew closer. As if Cynthia flipped a switch within him.
“Back up a bit.”
The instant his legs touched the bed, her hands were on him. At first, they glided down his back. When they reached his ass, she hesitated, then continued on. Her breathing deepened as her fingers whispered across his skin.
“Oh my.”
The breathless sigh sent a rush of warmth that sank beneath his flesh. She continued to murmur her approval as she bent forward. Her hair brushed against him as she touched her lips to the fullest part of one ass cheek. It was an open-mouthed caress, her tongue swiping along his skin, her teeth following. He shuddered. She moved from one cheek to the other, her hand replacing her tongue as she went along.
Slowly, she worked her way up his back. As her mouth slid against his flesh, the words she’d said earlier echoed in his mind. Her tongue darted out before each kiss.
He’d done a lot in the bedroom, tried just about every scenario his mind or any of his partners could conjure up, but never in his life had he felt this. It was as if she were savoring him, tasting him like a forbidden treat. Her hands snaked around his waist and slipped up to his chest as she pressed her body against his back. Murmuring incoherently beneath her breath, she nipped his earlobe, then licked. The action caused him to curl his toes into the carpet. By the time she shifted to the other ear, her fingers were caressing his nipples, pinching them slightly. His knees went a little weak.
Much to his disappointment, she stopped. She scooted around him and stood, then, completely taking him by surprise, she pushed him. Not being prepared, he lost his balance and fell onto the bed, bouncing once before she pounced on him. She straddled his hips, placed her hands on either side of his head and grinned down at him. Her hair was even more out of control than before, her eyes filled with desire. This wasn’t the timid creature he’d met earlier in the day. This was a temptress. And he was going to reap the rewards.
Her hips gyrated, her pussy pressing against his cock. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore her damp heat. Temptation beckoned. Chris knew he was moments from slipping into her sweet sex and finding satisfaction. She sat up, forcing her cunt harder against his dick.
He opened his eyes, and his mouth went dry. She’d crossed her arms beneath her breasts. There was no way for him to resist. Sitting up, he reversed their positions and fastened his mouth on her breast the moment she was settled. Sweet Jesus, she tasted good. As he transferred his attention to her other breast, her legs shifted restlessly. He grazed his teeth over her nipple. She gasped, then moaned when he did it a second time.
He moved down her body, his own throbbing, begging for release. But Cynthia’s pleasure came first. Soft as a rose petal, the skin of her stomach quivered as he dipped his tongue into her navel. When he reached her dripping pussy, he drew in a deep breath. The blonde curls were damp with her need. His mind spun at the sweet musky scent of her arousal.
Looking up at her, he waited for her approval. She pulled herself up to her elbows and nodded. He caught her gaze and leaned forward and licked her slit. Moaning, she allowed her head to fall back, her eyes drifting closed. He placed a hand on each thigh, pushing them wider, and slipped his tongue between her folds. Her taste exploded in his mouth. Sweet, with a hint of sass, just like the woman herself, and he couldn’t get enough of her. As he continued to lick her, he thrust one finger into her cunt. Holy Mother of God. Her muscles clamped down on his finger with the grip of a linebacker. He couldn’t wait to drive his cock into her pussy.
She moved against his mouth. As her moans grew louder, he felt the tension within her grow, tighten, push to the edge. He knew she was close, so he pressed his thumb on her clit once…twice…
She exploded, her body convulsing with her orgasm. He pulled back, continuing to caress her as she came, but enjoying the sight of her was too much to resist. Her eyes were closed, her hair a tangled halo around her head, her mouth open and moaning his name. The sight was almost as satisfying as if it were his own orgasm. Moments later, she settled, her body going limp. Knowing he would not survive another incident like that, he jumped off the bed, grabbed his wallet and drew out a condom.
In record time, he had it on and returned to the bed. He covered her body with his. Cynthia opened her eyes halfway and smiled at him. His heart flipped and took a dive at the sight of her lips curving with satisfaction, her body loose-limbed from her orgasm.