Chris knew she loved him. They had been living together for months now. That, he had not one doubt about. But marriage, that was a whole other kettle of fish. Chris knew that she had been adamant that she would only marry when she felt as if she could trust a man. She trusted him...but was it enough to get her to say yes?
“Earth to Dupree,” Evan said.
It took a moment for Chris to focus on his friend. As he looked at Evan, he realized they still made an odd pair. Sure, they both lived the lifestyle, but they came from such different backgrounds.
“Why do you want to screw it all up with marriage?” Evan asked.
Evan wasn’t being an ass. Chris knew his friend opposed any permanent relationships. Of course, knowing what Evan went through as a child, Chris understood.
“I just do.” Chris shrugged. “I want the whole thing.”
“And if she says no?”
Chris shrugged again and willed his second thoughts away. He wanted Cynthia as his wife, wanted her to be there by his side. And he wanted children. He would do it without the ring and license if that is what she needed. It had taken her a long time to find the true Cynthia, and he would not do anything to damage that. It would drive him insane, but he would do it for her.
“You’re such a traditionalist,” Evan said as he chuckled.
It was a put down for anyone who livedthe lifestyle. Who would think a man who lived as a switch would want all the trappings of marriage? It was beyond anything he had thought would happen when he went to Max’s wedding. Now, though, he wanted it all. The woman and a large number of children.
“What can I say? It probably has something to do with my upbringing.”
Evan shook his head as he stood. He clapped his hand on Chris’ shoulder.
“Tell you what. If she turns you down, just let me know. I’ll be happy to step in, help out.”
Chris shot him a look that would have scared most men, but Evan smiled.
“Kiss ass, Chambers.”
Evan unfolded his length from one of the office chairs and stretched his arms above his head. “I gotta get going.”
Evan shook his head. “I need some down time to recover from that crazy mall trip.”
Chris cocked his head and studied his friend. Something had been bothering his friend, but he had yet to confide in Chris. The past few weeks, he had been lingering aroundDupree’s. For a Dom who was always in demand at the only BDSM club on the island, Evan had been avoiding playing. In fact, compared to his former activities, Evan was behaving more like a monk.
“Are you and Micah coming over tomorrow?” he asked.
Neither had family and Cynthia had adopted them in a way. She had insisted that they come over for Thanksgiving and now Christmas. Both men were unable to tell her no. It was kind of amusing that the big, bad Doms could only say yes whenever she smiled at them.
Evan rubbed his stomach. “There’s no way I’m missing any of the cookies your magnolia has baked or the ham you’re going to make. We’ll be there around noon.”
The door shut behind Evan and Chris started thinking about his plans for the night. The only thing left to do was lock up the restaurant, pick Cynthia up from work, and then ask her to marry him.
He just hoped she said yes.
Cynthia was wiping down the counter worried about Christmas. It was their first together. Lately, she had been missing home a little bit. Valdosta’s weather wasn’t that much different than Hawaii; although, they did have a chill to the air that Hawaii didn’t. And she knew it had nothing to do with her family. She had written them off a long time ago.
No, this had to do with the man she loved more than life.
Chris Dupree.
The idea that he was all hers still gave Cynthia a private little thrill. She would have never thought a man as amazing as Chris would be interested in her. Now, though, she was feeling a little guilty. She was so happy, but she felt as if she had done something wrong.
Georgia on My Mindchimed on her phone. She smiled as she clicked her phone on.