Chris moved from her breast, licking and nipping his way to her mouth. “Just let it come, Cynthia.”

She shook her head in denial even as pleasure erupted. Her orgasm ripped a scream from her throat. She vaguely registered Chris’s crooning approval as Evan shot her up and over once more.

This time, she came with such force that she bowed against Evan’s mouth as Chris greedily captured her nipple. Both of the men continued until the last of her convulsions dissolved. She barely registered when one of the men unsnapped a restraint and lifted her off the bed and into his lap. She didn’t know who it was until Chris murmured against her ear.

“You did good, baby.”

She shivered as the air cooled against her wet skin.

“Not far enough, if you ask me.” Disapproval filled Evan’s voice, causing her to stiffen her spine.

Chris chuckled. “Don’t argue, Cynthia.” He stroked his hands up and down her arms, the touch reassuring her. “Evan demands a lot from his subs.”

Chris slipped his fingers beneath the blindfold and tugged it off. Even though it wasn’t bright, she blinked at being thrust back into sight. The sound of foil ripping told her that Evan was getting a condom ready. He slid onto the mattress and Chris settled her on top of Evan’s body. After Chris reattached her cuffs, slipping the strap between the slats on the headboard, he moved behind her. She felt the cool lubricant he worked up her ass to prepare her for his entry.

He removed his finger and stepped away. While he was gone, Evan nipped at her chin, then skimmed his hands across her backside.

“Chris is getting ready, but I want to remind you of the rules.” He squeezed her cheeks until she looked down at him. “You have a safe word, be sure to use it if you need to. Do you understand?”


He smiled as he traced one finger between her cheeks. “I knew you’d be fun to have as a sub.”

She frowned but before she could respond, Chris slapped her rear to gain her attention. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled.

“Just trying to save you from getting in trouble, babe.”

He smoothed his hands over her ass cheeks. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his palms gliding over her flesh, squeezing, teasing. She responded instinctively, as if she had no control over her own reactions.

Chris slipped his hands to her waist, urging her up to straddle Evan. Her sex pressed against Evan’s cock, and he groaned.

“Damn, you’re wet.”

She studied his face as Chris continued caressing her skin. A flush lit Evan’s cheeks, lust darkened his blue eyes. The bed sagged more, telling her that Chris was moving closer. As his hands left, Evan’s replaced them, steadying her.

Panic flashed again, causing her to take huge gulps of air. This was another step she wasn’t sure she could take. Excitement intertwined with fear, her brain resisted while her body craved.

Her heart stuttered as she felt the tip of Chris’s penis at her back entrance. Evan leaned up and rained kisses over her face as he held her still for Chris’s entry. Pain came first as he eased his way in. The initial shock soon melded with pleasure. He’d worked his cock all the way up her ass. Evan shifted his weight beneath her. With a gentleness she didn’t expect, he slipped the head of his cock into her cunt. Even as wet as she was, it was difficult for him to enter.

“It’s okay, baby, you’ll make it.”

Chris kept repeating the words but her mind rebelled. His soothing tone did nothing to ease the alarm gripping her. Arousal skimmed over her flesh, fear chilled her mind. She bucked but she was pinned between both men, held captive on the bed.

“Cynthia, please.” Chris’s breath feathered over her ear. “Let go. This is for you, what you need. I’m here.”

Terror fluttered in her chest. She felt Chris’s lips against her skin. When he spoke next, his tone had firmed. “There’s nothing you can do, nowhere you can go. This is what you want. Just let go. I’m here for you.”

She concentrated on his words, listened to his assurances.

“Concentrate on the pleasure. You aren’t losing here, Cynthia. This isn’t a game.”

She stilled but her body shivered with denial. She squeezed her eyes shut, the tears she hadn’t known were there rolled down her cheeks. Chris leaned forward and nuzzled against her face.

“This is not about who wins, this is about release, allowing me to take care of you. You need to let your mind take a rest. Your body is telling you what you crave.”

She focused on that. The alarm that had frozen her dissolved as the timbre of Chris’s words soothed her anxiety.

Both men had held themselves still while Chris calmed her. Knowing what it had cost them, feeling them both throbbing deep within her, she deliberately relaxed.