Page 97 of Wicked Arrangement

Now I’m alone with David, I can finally ask him some of the questions I’m dying to know the answer to. “So, how is everything at home?”

“It’s not the same, Yaroslav is snappy and distrustful of everyone, he’s always been a moody bastard but now it’s even worse,” he complains.

I don’t know how much Yaroslav has confided in David, so I don’t know what to ask next. There’s a spy in his organization, he might have kept David in the dark for his own safety. With David’s unpredictable mood swings, he might reveal secrets by mistake.

Thankfully I don’t have to figure out how to ask my next question, as David answers it for me. “Your grandmother is doing okay as far as we know. I don’t think she suspects a thing.”

“I hope so,” I reply feeling sick with worry.

The only saving grace of Amelia’s betrayal is that if Gran is only dealing with her and the doctors, the chances are she won’t suspect a thing. Although, she must be wondering where I am. What will they have told her? Or is she so far gone now that she doesn’t remember me at all?

“So, he told you about Gran?” I add.

David shakes his head, “No, I overheard him talking…”

I don’t know what to think that Yaroslav hasn’t told him the truth, is it to protect me?

“Has Yaroslav said much about me?” I ask hopefully.

David shakes his head sorrowfully and my heart drops. “He’s not really been talking much to anyone about anything. He’s being even more secretive than usual. I think that he believes there’s a traitor in the organization, why else would he act like this?” he says.

I don’t know what to say. If Yaroslav hasn’t confided in David, there must be a reason. Does Yaroslav think his own brother would betray him? Is that why he’s not told him? Or is it because Yaroslav truly does suspect my true motives and loyalty?

“Do you think there’s a traitor?” I ask.

“I think so,” he replies gravely.

“Who do you think it is?” I ask, hesitantly, feeling worried about what he might say, does he suspect me?

David looks at me earnestly. “There’s a rumor going around that it might be you and that’s why he sent you away,” he says, and my heart feels like it’s in my throat, “But I don’t believe it, I know you’d never betray us,” he hastily adds.

“Thank you for believing in me,” I reply, feeling conflicted. Technically, I am one of the moles, Sharkozi only released me to try to spy on Yaroslav, and I was willing to do it. Idecide to trust David with a small part of the truth. “Promise you won’t tell anyone this?” I say.

He nods, “Of course, I wouldn’t betray you either.”

“That’s why they have my grandmother, they want me to spy but I couldn’t do it, that’s why I came here.”

“So Yaroslav knows?” he says, seeming to take my confession in his stride, clearly, he’d already put the pieces together and figured it out. David is a lot smarter and more perceptive than people give him credit for.

I nod, “But you can’t say anything.”

He mimes zipping his lips shut, locking them, and throwing away the key. I let out a giggle at how he can be his usual playful self, even when discussing such serious matters.

“I wish Yaroslav would trust me the way you do,” he says.

All of a sudden, he seems desperately forlorn, and I want to reach out and comfort him, I know exactly how he feels.

“Me too,” I reply with a sigh.

Chapter 50


I’m in the shower when I hear someone enter the room. I turn around, ready to strike, only to realize it’s Kim. Somehow, she’s here. She stands there naked in all her glory and my eyes hungrily drink her in. I examine the new slopes and curves of her body, her figure is fuller now, in bloom.

She gazes into my eyes and wordlessly steps into the shower with me. The beads of water trickle down her body, trailing a path along her smooth skin to her most intimate places. Her nipples harden and so does my cock at the sight of her. She moves closer, placing her hands on my chest, and traces her fingers lightly over my body before taking my cock firmly in her hands. Almost possessively, as if to say, ‘You’re mine’.

She looks deep into my eyes, her hands rubbing up and down my cock with assured, firm strokes that almost make me explode right there and then.