Page 94 of Wicked Arrangement

“You’re an interior designer?” I ask, surprised, for some reason I didn’t think Grace would work, what with her husband being so wealthy and all.

As if reading my mind, Grace replies, “Yep, I couldn’t stand the thought of being a housewife with no job, not that I judge others for doing it, but I’d be too bored. With the girls now in school I wanted to get back into design work. This is the latest room in the house to be redecorated.” She pauses for a moment, thinking. “You know, my husband hasn’t really told me too much about you other than that it’s a relatively new relationship between you and Yaroslav. You know what men are like… they don’t gossip like we do or ask too many questions,”she says conspiratorially. “I apologize for not knowing more. Do you work?”

“I did, though it wasn’t like I was working my dream job, I worked as a waitress and in an art shop to make ends meet, but I haven’t since I met Yaroslav, things have been kinda crazy since then… it’s a long story…” I say, not really knowing where to start and feeling embarrassed about my career, or rather lack of one.

“That’s understandable,” Grace replies not seeming to judge or care.

If she knows about everything that’s happened to me recently, she tactfully doesn’t mention it, which I appreciate. As nice as she seems, Grace is still practically a stranger to me, and I don’t feel ready to discuss everything yet. Not with anyone.

“Do you have a dream job?” she asks curiously.

“Actually, I’ve always dreamed of being an interior designer,” I reply shyly.

I can feel my cheeks flush, somehow admitting to this woman who’s so talented that my dream is to do what she does feels childish.

Grace doesn’t seem to agree. Her eyes light up in delight and she claps her hands together. “Oh, that’s wonderful! How lovely to have a fellow artist in our home. If you’re feeling up to it later once you’re settled in, I can show you my studio if you’d like?”

“I’d love to,” I reply truthfully. “Thank you again for letting me stay, I don’t want to put you out,” I add worried that I’m an unwelcome interloper.

“Not at all, I just know we’re going to be firm friends,” Grace says with a warm smile, and I can’t help but agree. Maybe Yaroslav is right that this will be good for me. “I’ll leave you to unpack and freshen up, you must be tired from your journey.”

She’s right, I suddenly feel exhausted. I’m still weak and simply walking around the house—plus mine and Yaroslav’s steamy car ride—have sapped me of the little energy I have.

“Thank you,” I reply.

“If you need anything, just ask,” Grace says before leaving, living up to her name and being the gracious host.

I continue to explore the bedroom, admiring the details as I unpack. The bathroom is incredible too with a large bath and wet room, there’s a large window overlooking the forest, I can picture myself taking long peaceful baths in here. However, for now, I opt for a shower. I’m just getting dressed, inspired by my colorful room I opt for some brightly patterned silk pants and a cami. They hang off me more than before, I’ve lost weight which worries me. As a pregnant woman, I should be gaining weight.

At that moment, I hear a knock at the door.

“Yaroslav,” I say with a smile when I see it is him.

He steps forward, enveloping me in a warm embrace, and I breathe in his masculine scent. It’s been too long since he’s held me like this. All the stress and the pressure of the past weeks comes bubbling to the surface and I find myself sobbing into his shoulder.

“Shh, it’s okay, you’re safe now,” he soothes, finally able to comfort me for the first time since we’ve been reunited.

We stand there for a long time, holding each other. “Will you stay tonight?” I ask pleadingly.

I know he has to leave me here, that the whole reason we came was to keep up appearances and pretend that I’m here because he doesn’t trust me and I need to recuperate outside of his home, but I can’t help myself.

“You know I would if I could,” he says softly, gently stroking my cheek as he looks into my eyes. “I promise, it won’t be long.”

I nod glumly, “I understand. Do what you have to do to keep Gran safe and get her back as soon as you can.”

“I will,” he swears. “I have to go now, but you’ll be safe here, Thomas and Grace will keep me updated.”

“Okay,” I agree sadly.

He kisses me, pulling away and wiping a tear from my cheek he looks at me. “You just worry about getting some rest and looking after our baby, alright?”

“I will, I promise.”

As he leaves, my heart aches and I miss him already. My hand goes to my stomach as I remind myself why we’re doing this. I want my grandmother to meet our child.

Chapter 49
