Page 89 of Wicked Arrangement


Unsurprisingly, I’m up early. I shower and get dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast. To my surprise, Kim and David are up too. I can hear them laughing about something in his room. I hover outside the door, wanting nothing more than to go and be with them. To share in their happiness and simply enjoy their company. I haven’t heard Kim laugh since she got here, she’s strong but I can tell how haunted she is by her time in Sharkozi’s captivity. Hearing her laugh again is like a balm to soothe my troubled soul. I only wish it was me who could make her smile.

I spot Artem coming down the corridor toward me. “Good morning, Pakhan,” he says.

I nod back at him, “Morning Artem, any news?”

“Yes, I was just looking for you to talk about it.”

“Excellent, let’s head to my office to talk,” I say, gesturing toward it.

He frowns, his gaze glancing toward David’s door where the sounds of him and Kim talking are coming from. “Shouldn’t we do something about that first? No offense, Boss, I love David,but if we’re worried about Kim’s loyalties, we shouldn’t let them be alone. David tends to… overshare.”

He’s right of course, but it feels cruel to deny either of them the small amount of joy that they bring each other. Reluctantly, I agree. “You’re right, we should stop them spending so much time together. Let’s leave them for now though, I’ll have someone go get Kim soon.”

Artem nods and we proceed to the office. It’s a great room with a big window looking out at the ocean, it’s one of my favorite places in the house. As soon as we’re inside, Artem starts to fill me in on what he’s found.

“So far, there’s still nothing on Noah. It’s like he’s disappeared into thin air. Noah hasn’t touched the money that was given to him by Marta, nor has there been any activity on his other accounts. The guy’s a ghost. Either he’s got help and someone has provided him with a new identity and cash, or—”

“He’s dead,” I say, finishing Artem’s thought.

“Seems the most likely,” Artem says. “If Noah signed his grandmother out of the care home to look after her now he’s rich, then there’d be a sign of them. But there’s nothing. My theory is that it’s all somehow related, that Sharkozi is behind it. The timing is too close to be a coincidence. Noah signs Emma Walsh out and then shortly after that Kim is rescued and back with us. I think Noah and Emma could be being held hostage and used as bargaining chips to get Kimberly to do Sharkozi’s bidding. Or, most likely, once Noah fulfilled his purpose, they killed him and are just using Emma to blackmail Kim. Noah would be harder to hold captive, one prisoner is easier, and it’s no secret that there was no love lost between Kim and her brother,” Artem says, it’s impressive how close to the truth he is.

I also think it’s likely that Noah Walsh is dead. He’d be too much of a liability to leave alive. I just haven’t had the heart to raise my suspicions with Kim yet. Kim’s been through so much and she’s worried sick about her grandmother, the last thing she needs is more sorrow. Even if her brother’s an asshole, he’s still her brother.

If Artem is telling me this, does that mean I can trust him?

“You could be right my friend,” I concede.

“And how is the surveillance of Amelia going, any new leads?” I ask, hopeful that we have made some progress.

“Gillihan is on his way over to discuss this with us, he should be here soon,” Artem replies.


Although it isn’t longer than an hour or so until Gillihan arrives, time seems to drag on forever, I’m anxious for news. Gillihan and I have been forming a tentative bond, a friendship even, since the successful first deal and I am starting to trust him. With a mole in my ranks, I need all the outside help I can get. I’m hopeful Gillihan’s intel will be able to give me a leg up.

I’m in the kitchen talking with Vova and Artem when I see Gillihan’s car pull up.

“Gillihan’s here, I’d like to speak with him in private,” I state, making it clear for them to leave.

Neither of them seems thrilled at the prospect of being kept in the dark about what he’s discovered but they don’t argue.“Yes, Pakhan,” they say in unison before getting up and leaving the room.

Normally I’d chalk their reluctance down to simple professional curiosity or a desire to make sure Gillihan isn’t feeding me false information as a new ally, but now I can’t help but feel a twinge of distrust. Is the real reason that one of them is the mole and therefore wants to listen in on the conversation to report back to Bogdan Sharkozi?

I can’t believe that it could be one of my closest, most loyal men who would betray me. Vova and Artem are like brothers to me. Nonetheless, I cannot trust anyone right now.

I go to greet Gillihan as he approaches the front door. He’s only accompanied by a couple of men. A sign of trust. He’s outnumbered and on my turf, he’s showing that he has faith in my honor and our friendship.

“Thomas, thanks for coming,” I say extending my hand to shake his.

“Yaroslav! Of course, this is a beautiful home you have here,” he says shaking my hand and clapping me on the back friendlily as he admires the house.

“Thank you, please, come inside.”

Thomas follows me through the house, making small talk and remarking on the décor. On impulse, I decide that instead of going to my office, we would sit outside on the veranda overlooking the ocean. If there’s a mole in my pack, my office or other areas may be bugged. Outside, there’s no one around for miles and nowhere for anyone to hide and eavesdrop. Plus, I have a feeling Thomas will appreciate the ocean view.

After enjoying a late breakfast together and continuing to chat amicably, it’s time for us to get down to business.