Page 70 of Wicked Arrangement

“While I admire your willingness to risk your life for Marta, there’s no way I’m bringing an inexperienced civilian with me. You could put them at further risk if I have to worry about protecting you too. You’re no good to Marta dead. Besides, it’s just a hunch and the police could find them first. Stay here,my sister would never forgive me if I let you come and you got hurt,” I reply.

I don’t wait for his inevitable argument back, I hit the gas and drive out of the parking lot, tires screeching. Time is running out. Jackson is right, the first day is vital to find Marta and Kim unharmed. I don’t want to waste another minute. Trusting my gut has got me this far in life, I’m not about to doubt it now.

If I’m wrong, Kim and Marta could pay the ultimate price.

Chapter 35


Further analysis of the CCTV footage showed the SUVs splitting up, heading in the direction of two of Sharkozi’s properties we know of. Two cars went to an old factory and the third to a warehouse. With the clock ticking and every wasted moment making it more and more likely that the Sharkozi might harm Kim or Marta, I decided to split up my men. Artem has taken a team to the warehouse while I’m going to the factory with another team.

The fact that they didn’t change cars is setting off alarm bells for me, they either don’t care if we know where they went, think they have time to move on before we find them, or they’re leading us into a trap.

As we near the abandoned factory, I get a call from Artem. “Hey, Boss. We’ve arrived and done a sweep of the place. Sharkozi and the girls aren’t here. But you’ll never guess who I did find, Vova and Mikhail,” he says to my surprise.


“Vova is, Mikhail didn’t make it. As we suspected, Sharkozi’s men ambushed them and got the upper hand shortly before the kidnapping. We found them tied up in separate rooms here. It’s obvious they’ve been interrogated, but whoever was doing it must have left when they heard us approaching. Vova says that after they were tied up, the men who took them left, leaving two others behind, at least with him. He doesn’t knowwhat happened with Mikhail. He also says they wanted to know about the shipment,” Artem explains.

“Fuck. What did they tell them?” I ask, relieved that Vova’s alive but concerned as to what Sharkozi now knows, and what this means for Kim and Marta.

Vova and Mikhail were some of my best men, if Sharkozi’s men got the upper hand over them, they must be more prepared and organized than I anticipated.

“We’ve no idea what Mikhail gave away before he croaked it. Vova says he was shot in the initial ambush so that’s likely why he didn’t survive the torture. Vova’s roughed up but nothing too serious, seems we got here just in time. He didn’t give up any information, the tough son of a bitch,” Artem replies proudly.

I let out a small chuckle, Vova is definitely a tough nut to crack. “That’s our Vova! Does he have any more information for us? Does he know where the women were taken or why?”

“Not much, unfortunately, but he did say he overheard something about an abandoned factory,” Artem explains.

“Good, so this must be the place. Tell him good job and to go see the doctor and get some rest,” I reply, keen to get moving now I’m confident I’m in the right place.

Artem relays this to him and in the background, I can hear Vova protesting. “No fucking way, man. I’m coming with you, you guys need all the backup you can get!”

“Fine. Get here as quick as you can. I’m going in now for a closer look.”

Artem knows full well that although he would rather I wait for backup, I won’t. Given the distance, for Artem to get to us, it will take him well over an hour. I can’t wait for him. We’re on our own.

“Will do. Be careful,” he replies before hanging up.

I instruct my men to get out and approach on foot. If we might not have the element of surprise, we need to be stealthy. The place looks deserted, so I’m hoping they aren’t expecting us to arrive this soon. This means that hopefully, the women are still alive. But we’re at an abandoned factory with several buildings, they could be in any of them. Choosing wrong could be a fatal error.

Suddenly, a bullet rushes past my ear, narrowly missing me. We quickly take cover, trying to locate the shooter who must be hidden on one of the roofs. A flurry of bullets continues to rain down on us, seeming to come from all directions.

“Fuck, it’s a trap!” one of my men calls out.

We return fire, shooting blindly, unable to see where the shooters are hiding. I look around, taking in my surroundings. All of the nearest entrances require us to cross the empty forecourt, leaving us vulnerable, but here, we’re sitting ducks. We’ve got to try.

I gesture to my men the door I think is our best bet to make a run for, “Let’s go! Group one go and group two will cover you. Once you’re in, we’ll follow!”

I know this plan means group two, including myself, is likely to get the brunt of the fire, but no one hesitates to follow my order. Even after men in the first wave get hit, grouptwo follows me without question. We give as good as we get, managing to take down some of our opposition. Just as we reach the door, I feel a sharp burning sensation in my left arm, I’ve been shot.

I can’t look back, looking back is what gets you killed. We make it inside, down but not out, taking a moment to recuperate, the guards having already been dispatched by group one. I glance back outside the door. One of mine lies dead, Boris, who it seems had the misfortune to get a bullet through the brain, perhaps the same one that nicked my arm since he was behind me. Erik and a couple of others from group one are injured, the two are helping the more seriously injured Erik retreat. But I can’t let myself dwell on our losses, we have to keep moving.

“Good job men, but it’s not over yet, we’ve still got to find and extract Marta and Kim. It seems Sharkozi is prepared for us,” I say grimly.

“Boss, you’re hurt,” Fedor points out, looking concerned.

“Nothing to worry about, a graze only. Wish I could say the same for the others,” I reply grimly, jerking my head to the now-closed door behind us. There’s only one direction we can go in now, down a corridor into the main building. “Follow me and stay alert,” I warn.