Page 110 of Wicked Arrangement

But then I realize it’s not me he’s talking to. Innokentiy isn’t the only traitor in my wolfpack.

Chapter 56


We’re in the middle of nowhere and it feels like we’ve been driving for an eternity. The sky slowly turns from midnight black to gray as dawn begins to break. As the sun comes up, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I feel the tears slowly cascading down my cheeks again as I look upon its sheer beauty. The glory of such a beautiful sunrise feels like a mockery, how can there be beauty in this world when the man I love is dead? How can the earth simply continue turning when my world has been shattered?

If David notices my anguish, he doesn’t say anything. He’s too absorbed in his own grief. We’re all we have left.

The fuel gauge flashes, telling us we’ve run out of gas. “We’re going to have to stop soon,” David says wearily.

I nod mutely. “We should probably make some calls—come up with a plan. We need help.”

David sighs, “But who can we trust? Who knows who Innokentiy managed to turn to his side.”

“Exactly, which is why we need to seek help outside of the Volkov Bratva. I think we could trust Grace Gillihan, she and Thomas were good to me and Yaroslav,” I reason.

David clenches his jaw, a reflex that reminds me so much of Yaroslav I wince and look away.

“I don’t know, they were a new alliance, one that was formed right when all this trouble started happening…”

He has a point, but I still can’t believe that they’re a part of this. “I don’t think we have a lot of choice right now, the Gillihans have power and influence, they’re exactly the kind of allies we need. Besides, I know that they were helping to find my grandmother. With Yaroslav overthrown and you and me missing, the Sharkozis could decide to get rid of her if they think she’s no longer useful to them, or they might try to use her against me, force me to hand myself in. I can’t choose between my baby and my Gran!” I say, my voice coming out in a strangled panic as it dawns on me just how much more danger my grandmother is now in.

“Okay, it’s okay, we’ll figure this out, let’s call Grace then,” David soothes, I’m amazed at how composed he is managing to remain. It’s a far cry from the mentally unstable man people believe him to be, he’s tougher than even I gave him credit for.

Grace picks up on the second ring, from her tone I can tell she’s already heard something has happened. “Kim, oh my god Kim, thank goodness you’re alright! Thomas and I have been worried sick, we’ve got wind that some sort of takeover has happened in the Volkov house, is it true? What happened?”

“Innokentiy Volkov staged a coup, he’s been working with the Sharkozis,” I explain. “He has Yaroslav, I’m not sure… I don’t know if… Grace, I think they might have killed him,” I add, the words coming out in a strangled sob.

“Oh my goodness, where are you now? Are you hurt?” Grace asks worriedly.

“No, no I’m fine. David and I escaped. But we need help, I think they’re going to come after us. I hate to ask but…”

For a moment I think she’s going to refuse, that she’ll say it’s too risky for them to go against the new Volkov Pakhan, but to my relief, she doesn’t.

“Where are you now? I’ll come to get you.”

I explain where the nearby gas station we’re going to stop at is.

“Okay, wait there. Get some food, pay in cash only, and get rid of this phone, if you need to call me, use a pay phone. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Understand?” Grace orders.

“Yes, thank you, Grace. I’m sorry to ask but one more thing, could you look into how my grandmother is? I need to know if something’s happened to her.”

Even as I ask the question my heart races and I feel sick with worry.

“Of course, just try to stay calm, we’ll get to the bottom of this,” Grace assures me.

“Thank you, Grace,” I say again, relieved to have someone on my side.

We say our goodbyes and I hang up and switch off the phone. I know Grace said I should get rid of it, but I can’t bring myself to, if Yaroslav is somehow still alive and manages to escape, how will he get hold of me?

I fill David in on the conversation and we head toward the gas station to await our fate.

After filling the tank with gas, being sure to pay with cash and appear as inconspicuous as possible, David and I head into the rundown-looking diner next to the gas station. I have a good view of the parking lot so I should be able to see when Grace arrives. I can’t help but feel an ominous sense of déjà vu, the situation feels far too similar to the day Marta and I were kidnapped. I hope I’ve put my faith in Grace wisely.

David and I have been pushing our food around on our plates, neither of us has an appetite but it felt like the normal thing to do. Sitting in a diner for hours without ordering anything is bound to draw attention, and we want to draw as little attention as possible. Soon, I begin to grow anxious. It shouldn’t be taking her this long, we’d already entered Georgia when we called. What if something happened to her? Could Sharkozi and Innokentiy have also planned an attack on the Gillihans?

“David, wait here. I’m going to go call Grace again and find out what the hold-up is,” I say, trying to hide my concerns from him.