Page 96 of Wicked Arrangement

“I just wish I could see him. It’s killing me not knowing what’s going on, how he’s feeling, how my gran is. I’m also worried about how David, Yaroslav’s brother, is handling all this. I don’t know how much you know about him, but he’s fragile and has grown quite dependent on me. With me gone again I’m afraid of how he’ll react,” I reply sadly. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be ungrateful, I really appreciate you letting me stay here, I just hate feeling so useless and out of the loop.”

Grace nods and gives my hand a gentle squeeze, “I understand, let me speak to Thomas and see what we can do.”

“Thank you,” I reply gratefully, feeling touched to have a friend looking out for me.


The next morning I’m awoken by the sounds of the twins giggling outside my door. The girls are full of energy and curiosity at only five years old. Although Grace has told them several times not to come into my room uninvited or wake me, they still inevitably try to find a loophole around this.

“Shh Lily, Mommy said to be quiet and not wake Kimmy!” Hope says in a comically loud stage whisper.

“Sorry, I just love playing with Kimmy so much. I hope she wakes up soon!” Lily theatrically whispers back, laying it on thick.

I roll my eyes but smile at their youthful cunning. I climb out of bed, opening the curtains to let in the sunlight, it’s still early around seven, but I feel refreshed after a restful night’s sleep. At the sounds of me moving around, I hear the twins scamper off down the corridor to their nearby room, their mission accomplished. I throw open the door which creaks as I do so, the twins’ signal that I’m up. They squeal in delight and come running toward my room, pretending as though they weren’t just outside of it, lest their mother catch them.

“You’re awake!” Lily exclaims in delight.

“Morning, Kimmy!” Hope adds.

“Good morning girls, is your mommy still in bed?”

They both nod enthusiastically, though I doubt they know for sure. Since I’ve been here Grace has been getting some peace in the mornings as I’m their current fascination. Not that I mind, helping Grace have some well-deserved alone time is the least I can do to say thank you.

“Shall we go downstairs and make some breakfast?” I ask them.

“Yes!” they declare in unison, taking one of my hands each and dragging me to the kitchen.

The girls regale me with stories the whole way through breakfast and I lap up the time with them, enjoying their childish innocence. Although the Gillihans are filthy rich, I admire how little Grace relies on outside help to raise her children and look after the household. Of course, they have cleaners and other members of staff, but Grace is a very hands-on mother. I want to be the same with my children.

Less than half an hour later, Grace joins us, looking effortlessly chic as always. “Morning Kimmy!” she says brightly before turning her attention to the twins. “Lily, Hope, what did we say about not waking Kimmy up early?”

“We didn’t!” Hope pouts.

“We were in our room when Miss Kimmy got up, we swear!” Lily backs her up.

They look to me for approval, and I smile, “Technically, they’re telling the truth,” I say to Grace with a shrug and a chuckle. The girls beam, happy to be my partners in crime.

Grace shakes her head but smiles indulgently, ruffling the girls’ hair and going to make a coffee. As it’s a Saturday, the girls are allowed a breakfast treat, today we make pancakes, creating an almighty mess. As has become our routine, we chat while the girls finish their breakfast and tell us all about their weeks at school.

I’m surprised when, a short while later, the doorbell rings. In my time here, I haven’t known the Gillihans to have any visitors. Grace, however, doesn’t seem surprised at all. Her eyes glint with anticipation as she smiles and gets up to go greet our mystery guest.

“Be right back!” she says.

A few moments later she returns with David in tow. “David! I exclaim, feeling overwhelmed with joy at his unexpected arrival, “It’s so good to see you!” I jump up, running over to hug him. As I pull away a worrying thought crosses my mind, “Is everything okay? Is Yaroslav alright?”

“It’s good to see you too, Kimmy! He’s fine, just busy. Mrs. Gillihan invited me over yesterday,” he replies with a grin.

My new friend’s thoughtfulness touches me. While she might not have been able to get Yaroslav here, at least I can see for myself that David is alright and hopefully get some answers on what’s been going on since I left.

“Thank you for coming all this way, and thank you for inviting him,” I turn my attention to Grace.

“It’s my pleasure,” Grace says before introducing the girls to David and offering him something to drink.

The twins are immediately fascinated by the newcomer and set about charming him. They bicker over who can sit beside him, eventually agreeing that he can sit in the middle. David appears to be in his element, patiently chatting to them and listening to what they have to say as though it is the most interesting conversation he’s ever had, rather than a discussion about Barbies. I watch him interact with the girls and think about what a great uncle he’s going to be. Where Yaroslav can be closed off, David wears his heart on his sleeve and loves easily. It warms my heart to know mine and Yaroslav’s child will have such a loving uncle to play with them and look after them.

After a short while longer, Grace eventually hurries the girls out of the kitchen. “Right girls, Kimmy and David have lots of catching up to do so we’re going to leave them to it.”

The girls pout and protest, seeming to border on tantrums before Grace tells them that they’re going to the zoo for the day and if they’re good, they can get ice cream on the way back. The temptation of such a coveted day out wins and the girls politely say goodbye and rush upstairs with Grace to get ready.