It was over the artistically arranged Caesar salad with glazed pecans set precisely atop the lettuce, nestled in among croutons, that Nick said, “Albia, did you write the letter to me? The letter that Cleo supposedly wrote?”

Albia Rothman raised a perfectly arched brow. She looked markedly like her brother with that expression. She frowned, just a bit, hardly furrowing her brow, and shook her head. “No, I don’t know anything about a letter. What letter are you speaking about?”

Nick said, “John didn’t mention the letter I received from Cleo, warning me that he was trying to kill me, that he’d also tried to kill her and that was why she ran away?”

“Good God, what a novel idea. A letter from Cleo? How very preposterous. John try to kill Cleo? Kill you? That is utterly absurd. John, what is going on here?”

Senator Rothman merely shrugged, methodically picked a pecan out of his salad, never looking at them. “The FBI agents are the ones with all the answers here, not I.”

“You realize, I hope,” Albia said to the table at large, “how very absurd that is. John is a very kind, intelligent man, a man to admire, a man who will make this country a better place.”

Dane said, “Ms. Rothman, let’s get back to whether you were the one who wrote Nick the letter.”

“That means you were trying to warn me, Albia,” Nick said. “You were trying to help me. Or were you trying to get rid of me?”

“Do eat your salad, Nicola. I didn’t come here to discuss this nonsense.”

Savich said, “We need your help, Ms. Rothman.”

Albia said as she carefully laid down her salad fork, “If your friends—these Federal officers—are pushing you to do this, Nicola, then I do believe that I don’t even wish to stay.” She rose as she spoke, said to her brother, “John, I’m leaving. I have no intention of trying to digest my dinner with these people accusing you of murdering women. If I were you, I’d call Rockland and have him come represent you. I would also consider asking them to leave. Nicola, you have really disappointed me.”

And she walked out of the dining room.

John Rothman said nothing until he heard the front door close quietly in the distance. “Well, whatever it is you were trying to achieve, that was disgraceful. Good evening to all of you.”

Senator John Rothman rose, tossed his napkin over his uneaten salad, and walked gracefully out of the dining room.

They all stared at one another when they heard the front door close a second time.

“Well,” Dane said, “I do enjoy the unexpected. The salad is delicious.”


Dane said, “Jimmy Maitland asked us to a meeting with the police commissioner and several other nervous politicians, all of it regarding the Rothman case. Nick, you’re not invited to this meeting. You’re going to stay with Sherlock. She’s agreed that you’re more important than this meeting, so just Savich and I will go. You’re to go nowhere alone, you got me?”

“I got you, but it’s not fair to Sherlock.”

Savich said, “Think of this as a good-old-boys butt-covering meeting. The SAC of the Chicago field office will be there, maybe even the mayor. It’s all under wraps, at least it will be until the six-o’clock news.”

Sherlock said to Nick, “I really don’t enjoy watching a group of men in a pissing contest. But, guys, if anything outrageous is said, I’m sure you’ll tell me about it.” She kissed her husband’s ear and gave him a little wave as he and Dane walked out of The Four Seasons lobby.

“We’ve got better things to do, Nick,” Sherlock said when they’d reached the street. “We’re going to go see Senator Rothman. Oh yes, my husband knows, but he didn’t want Dane to know. Dane is very protective of you, Nick. Actually I’d have to say that he’s terrified that something will happen to you if he doesn’t stick to you like Grandma’s toffee. You could probably have six cops with you and he’d still worry himself sick. But it’ll be all right. You’ve got me.”

Nick grinned, rubbed her hands together. “I can’t imagine anyone needing more protection than you.”

“I sure hope you’re right about that. Okay, let’s go see what we can find out. I’d much rather do this than go to a meeting, anyway.”

Nick watched her check her SIG Sauer, then smiled when Sherlock said, “Dillon always says that if you aren’t one hundred percent sure of what’s going to happen, you just get yourself prepared.”