Bhalka’s hot, wet mouth meets his own, and Alden freezes in place. The tongue that slides between his lips is gentle but claiming, seeking his own, and a heavy hand grabs his jaw and forces his jaw open. “Mmmph,” Alden says, but Bhalka doesn’t relent, taking more, drinking him in as Alden shakes in his grip.
“So good,” Bhalka hisses, licking around the edges of his lips. Bhalka presses closer, and the heavy weight of his cock and hips press into Alden’s stomach.
“Say that you want this.” Bhalka’s hand drifts down, stroking over the erection that strains against Alden’s zipper. “I wish to hear you speak it.”
“Oh,” Alden says, and though he's still trembling with terror, he wants this so bad he can barely speak. “I want – want that,” he gasps.
“You do,” Bhalka replies, pleased. “And you will have it.”
Alden's pants disappear with the same rapidity as the rest of his clothing, thrown aside somewhere in the hungry waiting dark. Bhalka is all around him, exploring him with alien interest; Alden feels a tongue slide all the way around his wrist, then disappear. He's moved around like a doll, and Alden can't stifle his nervous laughter when Bhalka buries his face under his arm, sniffing and licking. Hot breath huffs across the fine hair. It tickles, and he tries to step away, but Bhalka holds him in place, licking and teasing over his skin.
“Stronger smell here,” he grumbles into Alden's armpit. “Better.”
After a long, wet investigation of both armpits, Bhalka keeps going, his face dragging down the camber of his thin ribs,and Alden gasps when the tip of a nose digs into his crotch. He is painfully erect, more afraid and more aroused than he's ever been in his life. The head of his cock is straining at the edge of his foreskin, slick with precome.
“Shhh,” Bhalka says, and closes his mouth around Alden's cock in one gulp.
Alden stumbles forward, making incredibly humiliating noises, his hands resting on Bhalka's big shoulders, and is rewarded with a low, humming growl of approval. Sparks skate up his spine to explode behind his eyelids as an inconceivably long tongue wraps around the shaft of his cock and slides back down. The tongue twists and curls around his length, lapping at the head at the same time that Bhalka is pulling his cock into his throat, and Alden thinks he might die. Pleasure whites out his mind. He is immediately shaking, pulled up on tip-toe into the tug of Bhalka's persistent tongue, and drool is coursing down his thighs.
“Jesus Christ,” Alden whimpers, and Bhalka laughs.
“That is not a name I would have you speak to me.”
Bhalka stands, and for a second, Alden is pulled up by the hips with him until the tongue releases, slithering back into Bhalka's mouth. Alden can hear it in the dark, the slick slide of it, and then the tongue is on his neck, gliding back and forth over the thin skin of his pulse. Teeth flicker over his jugular vein, and Bhalka hums in delight as Alden gasps, as his hands reach out to cling to the broad form in front of him.
“You do not have to hide your desires from me,” Bhalka croons. “Say it. Say what you wish to do.”
“I want to – to do what you did to me,” Alden says weakly. “To you.” His cheeks are burning, to have admitted even that much, and his insecurity surges up hard against the inside of his chest. He can hardly perform an act half as impressive.
“Not enough,” Bhalka chuckles. “Say more.” His mouth presses up against Alden's ear, his tongue darting out to slide around the cup of his ear, sharp teeth teasing at his earlobe. “Speak filth to me, as you spoke the words to free me.”
“Oh, shit,” Alden says. It feels stupid that this should be more difficult than freeing a creature, but if he's going to die, he will have this, and he leaps forward. “Fuck. I – I want to suck your cock,” he blurts, the words tearing out of his chest.
“Yes, you do,” Bhalka says, laughing again, but it doesn't feel cruel, as Alden had feared. It's still a little humiliating, to be laughed at as he would laugh at a puppy that was excited to go on a walk, but Alden is reassured by Bhalka's thumb stroking at the edge of his jaw, gentle and placating. “And I will let you.”
Gently, Bhalka guides Alden down, joining him on the floor with a susurrus rustle. The stones of the floor are cold and hard, and Alden has entirely forgotten about it as Bhalka curls up next to him on the ground. He hears the scrape of the podium as Bhalka moves it aside, and then strong arms are curling around him, holding him close. It suddenly occurs to him that he doesn't know the last time someone touched him, and he grips harder on to Bhalka, a frantic level of need scraping under his skin. His breath stutters in his chest; he aches for to be touched, aches with lust.
“Shh, little pet. There will be years of life where we will mix our bodies. I am made of millennia of patience.” Fingers stroke gently through the sweaty tangle of Alden's hair. “Look how I have waited for you, yes? Hunger does not fade.”
“Are you - telling me to take my time?” Alden says. That sounds more like he'll survive the night, at least, and the edge of his fear recedes the slightest bit.
“Wait. You said you waited for me?” Alden sits up on an elbow, his fear returning, and with it, a flash of anger. Thoughhe's already fallen for this trap, it horrifies him to think of how much of a fool he's been. “Waited for me how?”
Bhalka makes an interesting bark of sound, something Alden reads as – embarrassment? “Yes.” He hesitates. “I have seen you through the many mirrors, through the cracks you made in this plane with your scratches to reach the other side. I was called to witness your need. Your desires echoed. I grew watching you.” He makes another strange bark. “I was not careful when I watched you. Desires – need – I began to share your echoes.”
“Oh,” Alden whispers. That was more romantic and less sinister than he expected. “I'm glad you were the one who was watching.”
“Yes?” Bhalka sounds pleased. “I am as well. You are mine,” he growls, and the low sound of it grinding across the stone floor sends chills up Alden's back. “Mine to watch. Mine to taste.”
“Will you – let me taste you?” Alden asks.
“I will let you do more than taste,” Bhalka laughs. “You may have.”
Alden flushes, but he's encouraged, all the same. “All right.”
Hating himself for his tentativeness, Alden slides his hand out, moving it over the flat stomach muscles in front of him. The idea that he should care that this is not a human rises in the back of his mind, but Alden quickly finds that he doesn't care as he explores the territory of the body in front of him. Bhalka lets him take his time, sprawling out on the floor like a lazy cat, and soon Alden grows more daring, sitting up to explore Bhalka as he'd been explored; dragging his face across the thickness of the chest muscles in front of him, tasting at the nipples he finds, burying his nose in the low trail of hair he finds on Bhalka's stomach.