“Are you sure?” Marid sounded hopeful and he couldn’t blame her. He imagined if he lost a child, he would never stop hoping for it to appear out of thin air again.
He looked down at his pinky which was adorned with the small gold ring, the aventurine embedded in the metal.
“They do not have the same eyes, besides, Noora is different from her. Noora is fierce and courageous, she fights for the people she loves and she is an advocate for justice but she is not kind nor gentle.”
Marid nodded. “I suppose you are right. If she were Amalie, I would feel it.”
She twisted her fingers in her lap and Nikolai did not hesitate in putting one gloved hand over hers.
Ice blue met his gaze. “She might not be Amalie, though she deserves to win.”
“You like her,” she stated.
“I tolerate her.”
Marid’s lips twitched slightly and for a moment a sparkle shone in her eyes, so familiar, Nikolai feared his heart could not bear it.
He was old enough to remember Marid’s daughter and he was aware that children at that age could not experience love to the extent adults could. However, since she was gone it felt like someone had ripped a part from his being and burned it to the ground. Amalie was his best friend.
“I am glad you like her, we all know it is time for you to move on.”
Nikolai’s body grew tense. “I am not moving on.”
Marid frowned. “It is no shame that you do. Amalie would not want you to blame yourself and refuse to live your life. You are a young man. A king. It is your right to fall in love.”
“The only thing I am in love with is my kingdom, Marid, you know that.”
The woman let out a soft laugh. “You sound like Euphemia.”
His blood froze. There was no more horrifying thing to say than that one resembled the parents one tried so hard to avoid becoming.
She sighed and slipped her hands out of his.
“Well, we better make haste before your mother drags us to dinner by our ears. Do you feel strong enough to walk?”
“Of course.”
It was not the walking that made his face contort in pain but rather the words Marid confronted him with. He just hoped that whatever made his heart constrict every time someone mentioned Noora would go away. Soon.
His thumb drove over the aventurine before he finally got up.
Chapter 33
Noora made it barely out of bed, her ribs aching with every breath, sending a roaring fire through her lungs. If she had a choice, she would’ve stayed in bed that day, trying to let her body heal for it to be at its best. However, her morning progressed rather differently. A maid burst into her room when the sun hadn’t risen yet, yelling at her to bathe and get ready for the second task. Noora barely opened her eyes as she scrubbed her face and combed through her hair. It tangled every two seconds in knots that seemed to only exist to annoy her. She dressed in her usual leather gear, two knives attached to her left hip before the maid offered her a long burgundy cloak lined with mahogany-coloured fur. She felt like she was encased in a portable blanket, keeping her warm and safe. Though safe was the last thing she would be in a few hours. Ushering her out of the palace, without having any breakfast, two guards accompanied her down to the courtyard. Biting wind greeted her face and they walked up further until they came across the courtyard. Noora’s body still ached with every step she took, her muscles knotted and sore. “Where are you taking me?”
“To the royal barns, you are to be escorted further into the lands of Oy Frossen.” The burlier one of the guards answered her. She was wondering where Raphael was, usually, it was him assigned to bring her to and fro. No, she considered that after his hospitality. Yesterday he wasn’t as excited to come across her again.
“Why is the task taking place in the landscape?” Noora asked, winding her arms around herself to stop herself from shivering. Both the guards shared a look of agreement before turning back to the front and deciding to ignore her further. She rolled hereyes in resentment and followed them towards the barn. Her hand flew to her heart, feeling the spiky object beneath her clothes. She bound the amethyst tooth to a small leather band, so she would not lose it during whatever was to come.
They rounded the east side of the palace and stopped short at the barn where a sleigh was already waiting for her.
She didn’t particularly like the way of traveling through it, though was glad to be back encased in warmth. Before they could reach the vehicle, a high voice called her name.
She turned, brows drawing in as Freckles shot around the palace walls, her hair flowing right behind her. She was not in their chamber this morning but Noora wasn’t worried, she assumed her to be with Josephine. For once she was safe in their current environment. No matron lurking in the corner, waiting to attack.