Page 111 of The Heartless Archer

“You are going to be all right, I promise.” Something wet was streaming down Noora’s cheeks as she took the dagger, slitting open both her wrists. Her blood was pouring over Lulva’s chest as she started to pray to goddess Irina. Her lips moved numbly, endlessly through the wound that was not closing.

“No, no please not her. Please take me!” she cried towards the sky, her skin and body ripping itself apart. She looked back down at Lulva whose lips turned into a gentle smile. “You were the best sister one could have in this world, Noora. Please…” She coughed and Noora took her small face in her hands pushing the red strands from her olive skin. Her hands were bloody, smearing against the girl’s skin.

“You will be fine, just hold on, just a little longer.” She started to pray again when Lulva raised her hand and clutched her wrist.

“You need to take the gold and go away. Take Spike with you, P-promise me.”

Noora shook her head, tears flowing endlessly.

“I cannot go without you. I cannot live without you, there is no purpose.”

“Then you have to find it, for me…Noora, I love you.” Her eyes fluttered for a few moments before she stared into the sky, unmoving.

An inhuman wail left Noora’s lips as she clutched the small body to herself. There was no beat, no strum that told her, her sister was alive.

Something was ripped from her heart, splintering it into a thousand pieces and embedding themselves in her organs.When the tears dried on her cheeks she looked up. They were all standing around her. Raphael’s head bowed, Nikolai’s face ashen, his hand twitching as if he were going to reach for her. Tyra was clutching her heart, tears running over her face in an endless stream.

Slowly Noora let Lulva sink to the grass, closing her eyes and she got up, the dagger still in her hands. She turned around to see Sören lying on the ground, he was breathing quickly, his face pale, a slightly greenish tint marring it. The moment she took a step towards him Raphael blocked her way. “You do not want to do this Noora, he is already lying on the ground.”


He gripped her shoulders but she did not react, her eyes still on Sören, foam building at the sides of his lips. His body convulsed now and soon his lungs closed up slowly and tauntingly until he would suffocate to death. He did not deserve such a gentle death.

“He has done unspeakable things but if you hurt him now while he is already dying you will be no better than him.”

Noora looked up at Raphael. “I am no better than him, I am worse.Now, move. out. of. my. way.”

“No. I will not let you destroy yourself.”

He was starting to annoy her and he stood in her way. Noora swung her left arm and knocked him straight in the face. Though the impact was hard Raphael stayed on his feet and tried to hold her away. She blocked his punches and ducked underneath his arm, her foot flying out and shattering his right knee. Raphael went down with a cry and she slipped past him to notice the other guards standing ready in her way.

“I do not want to hurt you but I will.” Noora tried to give them a chance, though her heart was so cold she could feel the ice spreading around it, a case building itself slowly but surely. Pieces splintered until there was nothing left of her. Theguards looked unsure, holding their swords at the ready but not attacking.

“Let her through.”

Noora turned around at Nikolai’s words. He was looking at her, his face cold, deep shadows painted the hollows of his cheeks. His message was clear. The guards stepped away to let Noora pass, their bodies slightly shivering as she left them behind. Only when she heard their gasps did she turn to see that ice was building beneath her feet trailing her like a long veil was covering her body.

When she reached Sören she squatted down and raised her left wrist which was still dripping with blood. She let the drops hit Sörens discoloured lips, murmuring a few words until his skin started to look better.

“What…?” he mumbled quietly before his eyes focused on her and widened in horror. “Why did you heal me?”

“It was foolish of you to go against a half-blood whore, Sören. I do have to admit you know a lot of things about us.” She cocked her head at him. “But you have forgotten one part. Witches are vengeful creatures and you just took the heart of one away, carving it straight out of her chest. I reckon it would only be fair if I took yours ‘cause you took mine.”

His eyes widened in horror and he started to shake his head violently. “NO! PLEASE DO NOT LET HER DO THIS!” His scream echoed around the arena.

“Nikolai, you cannot let her do this,” the queen hissed behind her. Sören’s gaze flitted toward the gathered crowd. “I did everything you wanted, please let me live, help me,” he begged desperately.

Noora sat down on his ribcage, making him gasp. He started to trash his body desperately beneath her and a crazed laugh escaped the witch’s lips.

“Nikolai,” the queen snarled again. “No one moves. Let her do it.” Nikolai’s voice sounded like he was far away as Noora concentrated on the now healthy beat beneath her.

She drew the tip of the blade softly over the area where Sören’s heart resided.

“No need to be scared, I promise I will go slow so it won’t hurt so much.”

“No!” he howled and begged and snot was gathering at his nose, foam still at the sides of his lips. What a pathetic creature, how foolish he had crossed a witch and was now begging for forgiveness. It was his lucky day, witches forgave almost anything for the prize of a heart.

Noora raised the dagger and started to carve.