Page 67 of Kings and Monsters

In the very center of her force, a podium had been erected, and sitting on a glorious golden throne was the queen herself. Her own expression was one of amusement when she saw Bleddyn and Rosa. A twist of disgust curled her lip when she saw Eirianwen.

"I don't think she's happy to see you," Rosa whispered, hiding her nervous laughter.

"She never was," Eirianwen replied before siding up next to Bleddyn. "I'll wait here with the army and let you speak with her. I'll make it worse by joining you."

"As my lady wishes," Bleddyn said. He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. "Whatever happens, know that I love you."

"I know. I love you too, my wolf," she replied. "Keep him safe for me, Rosa."

"I will." Rosa watched as their tender expressions melted into something hard and fierce, closing all their love away.How long would it be before she could do that?

Bleddyn nodded to her, and they rode forward, the sea of gold parting for them. Gwyn's bracelet on Rosa's wrist burned as if sensing the danger she was in. She touched the twisting bronze design.Come to me, Lord of the Hunt. Our prey is about to start bleeding.Something deep and dark pulsed back through it in reply. He wasn't going to let her face the queen alone.

"What is this rabble you bring to my door, Seren Du?" The queen demanded. Bleddyn and Rosa dismounted and approached the dais.

"It's enough, Aeronwen," Bleddyn said, joining her so they were on level ground. "You had your fun. Now return my son to me."

The Autumn Queen laughed, rising to her feet. "You want to talk to me about theft? That sword that sits on that whore's hip belongs to me!"

Rosa felt the earth, trees, and sky tremble, and her hand tightened onGaeaf Storom. The queen gave no indication that she felt the change, but some of the Seelie warriors didn't look as cold as they had moments before.

"Rosa Seren Du won the sword by right of conquest, Aeronwen. She is no thief. You should've been more careful who you entrusted it to," Bleddyn said smoothly. "Surrender gracefully, and you might be granted an honorable death."

"Nothing in death is honorable," she spat. "I have a counteroffer. Give me the swords, send your rabble away, and I will let you and your children live in exile in the human lands."

"How do we know Balthasar is still alive? I'll consider no such terms until I see him before me."

The queen shrugged elegantly. "Have it your way." She snapped her fingers, and a snarling, bloody creature appeared only meters from Rosa. Her heart constricted painfully as she watched it toss its horned head, the golden knights lowering their spears towards it in fear.

"Now, now, my pet, don't attack our knights," Aeronwen crooned at it, and the creature turned towards her, attentive. There was a flash of silver on its chest, and Rosa tried to fathom the cruel magic that would create such a thing. It lumbered up the stairs and rubbed against the queen like an affectionate cat. Rosa's vision began to blacken with anger, grief, and longing.Balthasar.

Aeronwen turned to a stony-faced Bleddyn. "He is alive as promised."

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Rosa hissed at the queen, losing her composure completely. "You will die screaming, and your soul will never find rest."

Behind her, Bleddyn gave Rosa a small nod, emerald eyes flashing, knowing what she would do next.

"And how will you accomplish such a thing, little wolf?" Horns sounded in the distance, and her smile slipped. The sky tore open, and the Wild Hunt rushed through like a wave of darkness and death. "You vicious bitch. Gwyn? Really?"

"Did you not feel it?" Rosa asked, walking slowly toward her. "Can you not hear the words whispered on the air? Through root, tree, and rock? Listen to what the land is telling you."

However, the queen's attention wasn't on her anymore. She was staring, pale-faced, at the horned figure on horseback, moving through the knights who couldn't get out of his way quick enough.

"Aeronwen, your time has come," Gwyn said, his foreboding voice sending a ripple through the armies.

"You're not fit to pass judgment on me!" she shouted.

"No, but I am," Rosa said, drawing her sword. There was a pull in the air as Aeronwen tried to gather magic to her and found it gone.

"What have you done?"

"The land has recognized me as the rightful queen," Rosa replied, her voice distant as the magic she had been holding inside of her spilled out.

"You will pay for this," Aeronwen snarled, turning towards Balthasar. She raised her hand to strike him dead.

Rosa was quicker, cutting her hand off at the wrist. Aeronwen opened her mouth to scream just as Bleddyn drove his hand through her back, tearing out her heart and crushing it to dust. She stumbled, eyes wide with shock and mouth slack as Rosa cleaved her head from her body.

For a long moment, there was utter silence as Rosa picked the head up by its red gold braid and offered it to Gwyn. "As promised, my Lord Gwyn."