Page 48 of Kings and Monsters

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're ashamed of your own nature, and I hate it. Denying what your body needs is self-harm."

"You were born with the ability to take memories from blood, but you don't need it to live! I was created into this thing because a mad man saw a vision of me defeating the queen and did everything he could to ensure it happened. I've had centuries to be mad at Bran about his decision. I've accepted it as best as I can."

"You haven't accepted it at all. There was no one to teach you, to guide you?—"

"And that is what you do with all your children? Hold their hands as they take life and tell them it's natural?" she demanded, her fangs lengthening in anger.

"In the human world, we can get blood without taking life. Here, I understand that it would be a challenge. I can see why you would only drink animal blood. Tell me, have you ever drunk anything else?" Bleddyn kept his voice calm, everything about him relaxed as he forced her to talk about the one thing she'd never shared with anyone.

What do you have to lose by telling him?A small voice asked her. She trusted Bleddyn enough to take her magic, so she let out a sigh and decided to tell him the truth.

"Only when Bran did the magic. He told me he mixed his blood into it. When we discovered that my resurrection came with the hunger, we fed it with animals. It was enough until the Autumn Queen's curse started to weaken, and magic started coming back to the Unseelie. Since that happened, I've had todrink twice as much to keep it at bay. Only Bran knows that I need it to survive. Zalan helped me at Gwaed Lyn," she admitted.

Anger flashed through Bleddyn's eyes like lightning. "He didn't mention that."

"He told me to tell you. I didn't want to until I couldn't hide it any longer. Don't blame your brother," Eirianwen said and sat down next to him. "I think he gave me human blood. It was stronger. The effects lasted until we were almost back at the Night Courts, and then I had to start hunting animals again. I usually keep vials as a spare, but I finished them last night. I didn't expect to use so much magic today, and it's drained me. Now you know everything. Happy?"

"Not particularly. You still need to feed, or neither of us will sleep tonight, so feed on me," Bleddyn said, and Eirianwen would've leapt out of the chair if he hadn't taken her by the hand.

"Absolutely not."

"Why not? You won't see any of my memories if that is what is holding you back," he said. He saw her hesitation and gave her a gentle smile. "Don't think I'd offer just anyone my blood. Even my own children have only had it once when they changed."

"You know that's not the reason. Whatever I drink becomes a part of me…"

"We already are a part of each other. I can still feel your magic in me even now, as you have some of mine. What is really the problem?" When she didn't answer, he bent his mouth to her ear and whispered, "Are you worried you might like it?"

"Aren'tyouworried I might tear your throat out for provoking me?" she replied with a vicious smile.

"You can try." He looked at the goose bumps along her skin, and his grin widened. Gods, she hated that he could still do that to her. She had felt that desire when their magic had joined and felt him respond. It was thrumming through her now as hot as her thirst, and from the look in his eyes, he knew that too.

"It's not the same as drinking an animal."

"I should think not," he said, his fingers lightly brushing the inside of her wrist.

"Don't play with me, Bleddyn. Don't offer it out of an idle curiosity. You know as well as I do that it will mean starting something you might not want," Eirianwen replied, hating that her voice sounded so small and scared. He lifted her face so she was forced to look him in the eye.

"Do I look like I am playing?" he growled. Before she had a chance to respond, he pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him. The curve of his neck was before her eyes, and thirst beat against her like a thousand raven wings.

"Do it, Eirianwen," he insisted. It was the closest to begging she'd ever heard him utter, and it undid her.

Before she could hesitate, she fell on him, teeth tearing into his pale skin. She was aware of the groan he uttered, his pulse racing as his arms came around her. The heady, thick blood hit the back of her throat, and she was drowning in him.

It was unlike anything she'd ever tasted, ever imagined it could be. It was liquid magic filling her up and sending every one of her nerves sparking. It was midnight desire racing through her veins and making her burn. She grabbed his hands and pushed them up behind his head, the new power in her muscles strong enough to crack the back of the chair as she held them tight.

Eirianwen breathed him in, her heightened state detecting the arousal on his skin and the way it mixed with her own. She drew another mouthful from him, her thighs tightening around his hips as she moved against him.

Bleddyn uttered a throaty, breathless laugh. "Gods, woman, you are perfect. Take as much as you need."

The most powerful Unseelie male in history was submitting to her, and she was drunk with blood and magic. The feelingwas more intimate and arousing than any sex she'd had in centuries. She moved harder against him, and he swore, his body trembling against her. She didn't care about what embarrassment she would feel later. She didn't care about anything but the skin under her mouth and the heat and hardness of him beneath her as she took and took and took. Bleddyn freed one of his hands, moving it gently between her legs to tease her until her body screamed with pleasure.

Eirianwen cried out as she came, finally lifting her mouth long enough for him to press his mouth to her bloody lips in languid kisses. She released his other hand, and he caught her as she swayed backward, her vision darkening.

"Sleep, beloved. I have you," he whispered. He carried her to bed and curled around her. "Sleep."