"No need. I've been up for hours," Merlin said, coming through the outer hallway.
"Where have you been?" Bleddyn asked suspiciously.
"I have been having breakfast with the lovely Eirianwen." Merlin waved a scroll at him. "She sent a raven to me this morning, inviting me to dine with her and give me a map to Gwyn's temple. She isformidable, Bleddyn. I can see why you wanted to marry her. If Nimue hadn't ruined me for all other women, I would have a hard run at her myself." He made a delighted groan in the back of his throat as he sat down.
Bleddyn gave him a look that would've set a lesser man on fire. "She wouldn't tolerate your bullshit, Merlin."
"Oh, I don't know. She seemed pretty amenable to my bullshit this morning," he replied, taking a bunch of grapes from the platter in front of him, "and I quote, 'If you live through this expedition, I would love for you to have private lessons with me to explore your deep magic, dear Merlin. There is so much I can teach an unbelievably clever and devilishly handsome magician such as yourself.'"
"Yeah, I'm sure she did," Rosa said, rolling her eyes at him. "Don't listen to him, Bleddyn."
"Why should he care if I have lessons with her?" Merlin said, his face suddenly the picture of innocence.
Arthur shook his head. "You're in a fine shit-stirring mood this morning. Try to focus on the bigger task at hand, Merlin."
"Yes, sire. Here is the map she drew for me." Merlin unrolled the parchment in his hand. The local area surrounding the Night Court was spread out around them. "It should only be half a day's walk from here. We can leave after we eat."
Rosa gave his forearm a pat. "Sorry, Bleddyn. Looks like you are on your own with the generals for the next few days."
"Daesyn and I can handle the generals. We will finalize our attack on the queen's temple and the moving of the marker stones."
"Don't wait for us before you get it done," Merlin said.
"I wasn't planning on it. I know better than to wait for you, boy," Bleddyn replied, his tone undeniably patronizing.
"Good to know. You can talk to Eirianwen about the magic to move the marker stones." Merlin stretched back in his chair. "I showed her how to work it this morning. Her magic is curious. Maybe it's because she has a touch of Seelie in the mix that it tastes sweet, like the first bite of spring in the winter air and as dark as desire…"
Rosa froze as a growl came out of Bleddyn, so feral and threatening that her magic threw up a defensive shield around herself and Arthur.
"Merlin! Shut the fuck up!" she hissed, kicking him hard under the table. Her eyes flickered uncertainly to Bleddyn. Long black claws had sprung out of his hands and were cutting deep furrows into the arms of the chair.
"What? I was only saying?—"
"No, shut up. For God's sake and my own. Bleddyn! It's enough. Keep your Unseelie shit under control. I have enough to worry about without you two at each other all the time." She held up her hand when Merlin opened his mouth. "Seriously, if you say one more word, I will tell Nimue about your behavior."
Merlin shut his mouth, but the smirk remained.
Rosa got up and went to collect her sword, hoping she wouldn't have to use it to get in between the two quarrelsome Unseelie males in the other room. Once they were alone, she was going to give Merlin an earful.What had gotten into him?
"Fucking Vanes," she murmured, picking her bag up off the ground. "I swear, Bal, I don't know how you put up with this shit for so long." She held a hand to her breastbone and pressed against the pain there. She would get Gywn's help, and if Merlin didn't behave himself, she'd let the Lord of the Hunt skin him for a banner.
Her bag had mysteriously been packed during the night, complete with a flint stone, dried fruit, and black bread wrapped in cloth. There were two sets of underwear, black tunics, socks, and trousers that she knew without a doubt would fit her perfectly. It made her wish she could take a brownie or two back to the real world with her.
Rosa took three steadying breaths before stepping back out to the argument that was happening in her dining room. Bleddyn was glaring openly at Merlin, who pretended he didn't notice as he sung a bawdy song in Welsh about the allure of a springtime lass. Arthur looked like he wanted to slide under the table with embarrassment.
"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go," Rosa announced, buckling her sword around her hip.
"Christ, be praised," Arthur said with relief.
Bleddyn rose in one smooth movement and wrapped his arms around Rosa.
"Good luck, little one," he said, his magic lightly touching hers in farewell. "Try to keep Merlin alive, even if he is acting like a brute."
"But what if I really have to murder him? Like in an extreme case or just to make myself feel better?"
Bleddyn kissed her forehead with a smile. "Maybe satisfy yourself with throttling him a little."
Rosa sighed painfully. "Fine, but only because you asked."