Page 41 of Kings and Monsters

Dormach had sniffed at her suspiciously, but she lived every day with the Vanes guard dogs, and some were almost as big as Dormach. She pulled off a corner of the bread and offered it to him.

"I like dogs," she had said with a squeal as Dormach's tongue had swiped the bread from her tiny hand.

"You summoned me because you like dogs?" Gwyn demanded.

"What does summon mean?" Rosa asked, patting Dormach's head.

Gwyn made a noise in his throat that would have frightened many people. Rosa knew that trick. She had seen Mr. Eli do it more than once, and Gwyn didn't frighten her.

"I felt you…call to me," he explained slowly.

"How did I do that?" She had a mouthful of the bread before holding it out to him. "Want some?"

"You offer me hospitality?Me?" Gwyn didn't seem as angry as he sounded.

"What does hospitality mean?" she asked.

Gwyn let out a sigh and crouched down beside her. He took the outstretched bread, studied it contemplatively before putting some in his mouth.

"Is it true you don't let girls ride with the Hunt?"

"There are women."

Rosa nodded firmly. "Good. I ask to go hunting, and no one will let me because I'm too small…and a girl."

"You have some growing up to do," Gwyn acknowledged, "but I don't see why you should be denied your chance for blood."

"Will you take me? I could ride Dormach."

Gwyn made a sound like a strangled laugh. "Dormach is not for riding."

"Then can I ride with you?"

"No. No one rides with me. Their duty and place is to follow."

"I never get to do anything. You're just as bad as Mr. Eli." Rosa folded her arms.

"I am infinitely worse,geneth." Gwyn studied her slowly. "You have given me courtesy and hospitality, so I will promise you this, Rosamund Wylt. If our paths should ever cross again, I will let you ride with my Hunt. Should you die before that day, I will hunt your soul so that it will be part of my war band. There is no fairer bargain I can offer you than this."

"Promise?" Rosa said, holding out her hand.

Gwyn enclosed his hands around hers. "We have an accord."

Standing in the storm,Dormach growling and Gwyn hulking over her, Rosa did not feel like the fearless seven-year-old she had been.

"Our paths have crossed again, and you bring my prey to me as tribute," Gwyn said, eyes flashing to Merlin. "For this, I will honor you, Rosamund Wylt."

"No, sorry, Merlin's not for you," Rosa said, moving between them. "He's my kin and has come with me to help me bargain with you."

"You push my fondness for you too far,geneth," Gwyn said. "You are still braver than what is wise."

"Hear her out at least," Merlin replied, and Gwyn turned his burning eyes onto him.

"You will remain silent!" The Lord of the Hunt commanded, and the stones around them hummed with power and anger.

"Please," Rosa whispered. "You promised when next we met, we would ride together."

"Careful, my lady," Arthur cautioned behind her.