Inside the cottage, Rosa stoked both fires high before pouring herself a large glass of red wine and taking a long shower. Between her mother's sickness, Vera's lecture, and the cornering by Saul and Pearl, her mind was churning. She tried to think of the beautiful paintings she had seen, but that made her think of Balthasar Senior's intense, sexy expression. She wondered if he had a Wylt looking after him as well before she remembered there was a way to find out.
Inspired, Rosa dressed in warm pajamas and a thick dressing gown before picking up her bottle of wine. She climbed upstairs into the attic and switched on a light. She lifted random lids and found her family photos, selecting one of her, Cecily, and Harold to take downstairs. They were standing in the front parklands, the ominous manor house behind them. Her father had an easy smile and so did Cecily back then. Rosa drank more wine and set the picture down.
The lights of a car flickered through the small window, drawing her attention to the wooden chest underneath it. Even from the other side of the room, she could see the faint imprint of the V insignia.
"Hello. I don't think you should be up here," Rosa told it as she shuffled over. She touched the first leather belt strap that bound it shut and hesitated. It belonged to the Vanes, one of them through the centuries anyway. Did she dare invade their privacy?She absolutely did.
Rosa struggled with the cracked, stiff leather straps, but they soon gave one after the other. With considerable effort, and the help of a screwdriver retrieved from the kitchen, the heavy lid cracked, and the chest opened. It was filled with piles of bound letters, pressed flowers, notebooks, a woman's lace glove, books, and portraits.
"What do we have here?" Rosa opened a letter that was written in an elegant hand and scanned the date—1813. It was signedeternally yours, B. She thought of the portrait inside the house. She refolded it and put it back before selecting another and then another.To my Darling Jane,My beautiful Jane, Jane the Keeper of my Heart, Jane, Jane...
They were love letters. At least fifty of them bound together in neat parcels. She selected another pile wrapped in a scrap of lace. They were written in a neat hand, and all addressed to Balthasar Senior. The hair on the back of Rosa's neck lifted. She knew reading them was an invasion of privacy.
But what do the dead care?A voice in her head cajoled. She knew she shouldn't. She also knew that no one was going to stop her.
Gwaed Lyn, 1813
There was a magnificent storm here last night. It reminded me much of you and the night we first met. I don't think any woman has dressed me down with her words as much as you did. My sister delighted in it more that you could know. Never before has she seen her proud brother reduced to such a scolded apologetic mess—her exact words.
I say that the storm reminds me of you, but I am fooling myself. Everything reminds me of you. With each passing day, it steadily grows worse until I fear that I will be a raving mad man screaming your name out until they come and put me in an asylum. You would have to visit me there. It would be like something out of those Radcliffe novels you enjoy so much. If nothing else, your high standing amongst the ladies of Penrith would be ruined by the scandal that you made a man so in love with you that you drove him to a madhouse.
With certain insanity imminent,
My dramatic Balthasar,
Madness you say! It would be most inconvenient for a lady if the object of her affections went mad. What would she do with all the hopes and dreams she had constructed in her mind? I would have to go to all the trouble to attract a new suitor, if such a brave man could be found, for I am sure my reputation would precede me greatly by this stage, and new suitors are so formal and bothersome. You say you love me, but how could you inconvenience me like this? Keep your madness in check, and I will keep my patience the same.
It has cheered me greatly to have your sister here visiting. She is the loveliest and most engaging of all my friends. I can tell you quite confidently that there is many a heartbroken man in our society that longs for your sister to look his way. Do not worry; I will keep a close eye on all of them to ensure that they treat her like the beautiful princess she is.
With affection,
Your Jane.
Gwaed Lyn,1813
My dear Jane,
I am sorry that I have not been able to come as promised. Father keeps me busy with his never-ending stream of requests. He paces the library like a Roman Patrician in the Senate, lecturing me on what it means to be a great leader. He doesn't seem to care that it isn't something I long for or care about. There are other siblings that would do the job admirably, but I am his first son, and he is adamant. I don't know how to politely tell him if I were to take over as leader that would surely mean he would be dead. Not an encouraging thought. He rules his companies with an absolute iron-fisted certainty.The business leaders in London unite under him, and those that speak out soon lose their ability to speak at all. He alone holds the peace some days.
You have no idea the desire that burns in me to be done with it. I would take you away like a rogue in the middle of the night if I thought we could escape him and his agents. I am so unfair to you. There are times when I wish you would do as your mother says—go to London, find a suitable husband that will provide for you, be settled. The thought of it guts me, but if it meant your happiness, I would endure it.
Think on it. Consider it.
What kind of woman do you take me for? One that would give her heart to one man and her body and soul to another for the sake of the security of a rich husband? I have thought about it, my love, and I would think you a fool and call you as such if I didn't know your heart and motivations were in the right place. I do long to see you, but I know your situation. Your father, once he has done with molding you into a younger and far handsomer man than himself, will look to you to find yourself a decent wife. I come from money and a good family with a reputable name. What objection could he have? None. Be patient as I must be. Endure. I long to be by your side forever, and I would have you or none at all.