Page 11 of Blood and Roses

"Balthasar Senior, I presume," she said as she worked on the frame. His hair curled in dark locks around his shoulders, the familiar dark eyes looking down at her. She was still staring when someone touched her shoulder, and she toppled backward in fright. Saul Vane managed to steady her and help her down.

"You scared the bleeding life out of me," she accused as she pulled out her headphones.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist," he laughed loudly. "I could hear Bach from the hallway and thought I'd investigate where it was coming from. I see you've been recruited for dusting duty."

"Someone has to do it," Rosa said and took a swig from her water bottle. "I don't mind. It's good work for thinking. Though finding that under the cloth was a bit unnerving."

"Yes, old Balthasar, the namesake of course," Saul said as he frowned identically as the figure in the painting, placing one hand on the mantelpiece in a classic pose. "You can tell where my brother inherited his snobby disposition and the belief he's the most broodingly handsome Vane of all."

"Brotherly affection at its finest," Rosa giggled at the faces he began to pull.

"Naturally." Saul straightened. "How are you coping with being back?"

"Fine," she lied. "It's good to be on the old grounds and try to remember childhood."

"Come now, be honest. You must be bored out of your brain." Saul folded his arms. "This place is positively backward at times."

"At least the scenery is nice," Rosa said as she picked up her bucket of cleaning gear.

"It is, isn't it?" he said, looking her over. She ignored him and collected the remainder of her used cloths. "Look, if you ever feel like getting away from here, let me know. I have a load of cars that I don't drive as much as I should, and I need a partner in crime. Come on, Rosa Wylt, we could disappear into the sunset right now."

She smiled as politely as she could manage and made for the doorway. "Thanks for the nice offer. Maybe try it out on the other servants and see if it works. I'll see you around, Mr. Vane."

"You cut me to the quick," he said, placing a hand on his chest dramatically.

"I'm sure you will recover." She didn't look back, but she felt his eyes burning into the back of her head.

Rosa moved quietly down a staircase and voices rose up to meet her. Balthasar and Eli were arguing about "alliances" and "fealty from the families." She did her best not to eavesdrop, but she couldn't avoid meeting Pearl in the hallway where she was peeking through a crack in an office door. With uncanny timing, the stairs creaked, and Pearl turned quickly. Her perfectly made-up face rearranged itself from rage to surprise.

"Good afternoon, Rosa. What have you been doing up there?" Pearl asked with a smile that seemed out of place with the glare in her pale eyes.

"Cleaning," she replied warily. "Have you seen Vera?"

"Oh, just a second ago in the library cleaning up after one of Eli's meetings," she replied.

"Thanks," Rosa made to move past her, but Pearl blocked her way.

"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I am the first to admit I can be a frightful beast in the mornings. Do over?"

"Sure," Rosa said with a bright smile and sidestepped her.She is afraid you will rat her out to Eli. If it meant Pearl would leave her alone, then keeping her snooping a secret would be worth it.

"I've heard some good feedback from the family today about your breakfast," Vera said cheerfully when Rosa made it to the kitchen. "It's good to know they taught you something in that toff school."

"I am sensing a but..."

"No buts. I'm just saying it's nice to have a pair of extra cooking hands around here."

"How's Cecily?" Rosa asked as she stirred the marinade on the stove to stop it from burning.

"Sleeping, last time I checked." Vera sat down at the bench and started to peel a bag of apples. "Don't be too hard on her, Rosa. She's missed having you about."

"She showed it by coming to visit me all those times while I was living in London," Rosa answered sarcastically. "Oh, wait, she didn't."

"Let me tell you straight, Rosamund Wylt. Your mother loves you more than any person in the world. She might not have been there for you as much as you would've liked, but that isn't all her fault. Once your Da passed away, she had a lot of pressure to deal with as well as her grief. If you'd stayed, you'd be whining about never being allowed to go to the city or having your freedom." Vera put her knife down. "The point I'm trying to make is she wanted to give you a chance at life beyond this place hidden away from the world."

"I know. I know. It's too late to hold it against Cecily now anyway. What's done is done. Now, what kind of wine do you want in this marinade?"

By the timedinner was cooked and sent up, Rosa was busting to get out of the mansion and into her cottage. The sun was down, so she hurried across the wet grass, her warm breath sending plumes of mist into the air. She heard the whinny of a horse and quickly ducked behind a tree to hide as Balthasar rode past. She had about all she could handle of the Vanes for the day. She didn't feel like making any small talk with him or having to explain the bottle of wine hidden under her shirt.