"One or two?" Trajan asked.
"Two, please," Hamish answered, and the spoon obeyed. "Am I going to have singing birds doing my laundry while I'm here to go with the floating sugar bowls?"
"I hate to disappoint you, but my skills aren't quite there yet. Though some of those birds would be handy to have when you think about it," Anya replied with a laugh. "I hate washing clothes."
"I see your lessons with the Twins went well today," Trajan said, trying to hide his surprise.
"Yeah, they did. Honaw taught me to levitate things, and it's really helped the buzzing in my head. I think that's why I'm so sleepy tonight."
"You always were a natural at magic. It's going to be good for you to be using it again," Trajan replied, kissing her head. "I'm so proud of you."
"Baby steps," Anya replied with a pleased smile. She passed Hamish his cup of tea. "How was your flight?"
"Really long. I'm kind of buzzed up now, which is the problem," Hamish answered.
"You should stay up and keep Trajan company. I'm dead on my feet, and the Twins are going to start trying to teach me about dream walking tomorrow," Anya said. She snaked her arms around Trajan's neck and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Where's my good night kiss?" Hamish looked at her expectantly.
"Sorry, Hamish, you're just not as handsome as Trajan." Anya smiled cheekily before wandering out of the kitchen door with her steaming cup.
Hamish gave a snort of disbelief. "She's just saying that to make you feel better. I'm way better looking than you."
Trajan laughed. "Anya said it, not me."
"I still can't believe you haven't bedded her. She a virgin or something?"
"No, she's not, and I'm too afraid I'll hurt her," Trajan said though the temptation to try was growing the more time they spent together without an incident.
"Your control is amazing, Trajan. Give it a go. You might enjoy yourself for once and relieve some of that stress you're both under," Hamish said with a filthy laugh.
Trajan rolled his eyes. "You're an animal."
"Ain't that the truth."
"We don't have what one could consider a normal courtship. I don't even know if that physical aspect would be possible," Trajan said. If anyone would understand, Hamish would.
"That's all well and good, but Anya doesn't strike me as the type who couldn't handle you or your quirks. Besides, from what you said about him on the drive home, I'm sure Yvan would fucking murder you if you hurt her anyway, so your remorse would be short-lived and…" Hamish stopped laughing. His nose went up into the air just as Trajan heard a woman scream.
"Anya!" He bolted up the stairs with Hamish close behind him. The tall windows in Anya's room were shattered. There was blood all over the floor. The curtains were slashed, and Anya was gone.
Katya woke to Anya's frightened screams echoing through the walls. She grabbed her gun, charged into the hallway, and followed the voices coming from Anya's room. Trajan was crouched on the ground next to a massive golden dingo. There was no sign of Anya.
"Trajan, who the hell is that?" Katya pointed her gun at the creature.
It let out a low, threatening growl. It was answered by the large black wolf which moved in from behind her.
"Easy, Katya. He's a friend," Trajan said. He was toying with a small piece of torn red material while studying a trail of blood along the carpet. Something feral passed over his normally placid face, and Katya's hand tightened instinctively on her gun. She had never seen him so angry.
"Where's Anya?" she demanded.
"They have taken her," Yvan said, coming through the doorway, his eyes burning like flames. "How did they get past your security systems to begin with?"
Izrayl let out a small whine when he sniffed the blood trail.
Trajan's voice betrayed no emotion. "I don't know."