"No, though it looks like some kind of hybrid of a bird and person, like the others. Maybe this experiment was the closest success they got," Isabelle replied, looking over the body. She brushed her fingers over its shoulder and pulled her hand back. "Definitely made with magic. The fuckers."
Izrayl slowly transformed back into a man, and Katya tossed him his coat to cover up.
Isabelle smiled. "You didn't tell me your friend was one of thevolk krovi. How interesting."
"Surprise," Katya said numbly.
"It's time we left," Izrayl said, his voice more growl than usual.
"I couldn't agree more," Isabelle replied, snapping pictures of the creature on her phone before standing. "There's something I would like to do first."
Minutes later, the three of them walked out of the building as flames engulfed the top levels.
"Come by this address tomorrow," Katya said and wrote Trajan's house number on Isabelle's hand. "We need to talk."
"I'll be there," Isabelle promised. She gave Katya a tight hug. "Itisgood to see you despite this shitshow."
"You too, Belle," Katya replied.
Isabelle fixed Izrayl with her violet gaze. "Look after her tonight."
"I will," he said without hesitation.
Isabelle shot them a wink before she left them, melting into the darkness of the street.
They were silent on the drive back home, Katya's chest aching and her heart hurting from what she had seen. Tears slid silently down her cheeks, and Izrayl was smart enough not to comment on them. It wasn't until they pulled into the basement garage that Katya felt she could finally breathe again.
"Don't." She got out of the car and hit the elevator door button over and over before Izrayl grabbed her hand.
"Go on then. Make a joke about the hunter who cries after a job."
"I wasn't going to say anything, so stop putting words in my mouth."
The elevator opened, and she stepped in. Katya hadn't had to do a mercy killing in a long time, and she had never seen fear and pain in a creature's eyes like she had tonight. When the doors opened again, she headed straight for her room.
Katya pulled off her boots and started to unload her weapons, placing them neatly on a table. "Don't you have your own room to go to?"
Izrayl pulled her close, and she started crying again. "Talk to me. I would think less of you if you weren't upset by the pure fucking evil we saw tonight, Yakaterina. I've seen bigger men lose their stomachs over less. It's not a weakness to have compassion."
"I need a shower," Katya said brusquely and started pulling off her clothes as she headed for the bathroom. "Coming?"
"Are you serious?"
"After a night like this, I really don't want to be alone. Usually, I would go and pick up some lucky guy and celebrate being alive. I thought I would see if you're interested in showing me some of those back washing skills you mentioned."
"You would have to be the most unpredictable woman I have ever met," Izrayl said.
"Is that a yes you are coming for a shower?"
"That's a hell yes."
Katya turned on the shower taps and tried not to grimace as she pulled off her shirt. Two massive purple bruises the size of grapefruit adorned either side of her ribs.
"It looks like you've been put through the wringer again," Izrayl said, running his fingers along them.
"It's lucky there were only one of those creatures left to deal with if that's how good my form is."