Page 69 of Cry of the Firebird

Anya shrugged. "It doesn't. You don't strike me as someone to lose control easily, either."

"I thought that too until you turned up on my doorstep," he said, making her smile despite her nerves. "Why would you even want to risk this?"

"Because I think you would be worth it," Anya said, pushing her hand through her hair. "Look, I'm terrible at this kind of thing, but I like you. I literally think about kissing you every time I see you. Of all the crazy shit that has happened in the past few weeks, you feel like a surprise bonus. With all my memories back, I feel like you and my magic have been the pieces missing my entire life, and I've finally got them back. Talking to you, being around you feels like the easiest things in the world, and I've never felt that way around anyone."

Trajan's wine-red eyes were wide in genuine surprise as he stared at her, speechless.

Shit, too much, Anya, retreat. She put her glass of vodka back on the table and got up.

"That's why I want to risk it, Trajan. Come and find me when you figure out if you are willing to do the same," she said and headed for the door. Her fingers touched the handle, and then Trajan was suddenly beside her, his hand holding the door shut. Anya turned to face him, her heart-stopping as his eyes glowed with heat.

"You said that I might just need practice touching people," he said, his voice going smokey.


"Then I want to risk it, but you will have to be patient with me while we…try this out."

"Okay?" Anya said, her mouth going dry.

His hands moved to either side of her, pinning her back up against the door. Her breath caught as he ran his fingers along her cheek and down her throat. Anya's hands went to his waistcoat, feeling the warm muscle underneath. Very slowly, Trajan pushed his glasses to the top of his dark hair and bent his head.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, breath warm against her lips.

"Yes," Anya answered, rising on her toes to press her mouth to his. His warm mouth tasted of spicy whiskey, and desire flushed down her body.

Anya's grip on his waistcoat tightened as Trajan's long fingers pushed through her hair, tilting her head back so he could deepen the kiss. Anya melted into him as his other arm came to her waist and pulled her up against him.

"Trajan, I—" Anya gasped as a sharp pain pierced her head, making her cry out, and her knees give way. Visions bombardedher of Katya, and blood and black feathers raced through her mind.

"Anya! What is it? What's wrong?" Trajan asked, holding her up.

"Katya!" she gasped, clinging onto him. "I think Katya is in trouble!"


After days of traveling and being on high alert, Katya couldn't relax no matter what she did. There would be no chance of her sleeping, so she thought she might as well be productive. Trajan had offered her Izrayl's help to move, but she was never going to take him up on that. Now, she was cursing that she hadn't asked someone to come with her.

Katya's apartment was in Montmartre. It was neat and impersonal as the furniture and pictures hanging on the walls had come with the apartment, and it was precisely the way she had left it.

Katya had smiled with delight as she ran her fingers over her laptop. She had missed it terribly and had felt completely lost without it. The few changes of clothes she had hanging in the cupboard were quickly shoved into a bag. She opened the gun cabinet she had secreted behind some coats and emptied the contents into another bag. After picking up the remaining weapons and books she had left out, she locked the door and gave the landlord back his keys.

"You in trouble with the police or something?" he grunted.

"Of course not,Monsieur," Katya answered smoothly. "Why do you ask?"

"There have been people here looking for you. I assumed they were police from the questions they were asking." His eyes were narrowed suspiciously at her, and Katya gave him a smile she hoped was convincing.

"Do I look like I would be any trouble? It sounds like they have got their people mixed up." She laughed though her heart was hammering in her chest. No one had ever known where she lived except a very select group of hunters.

If there had been people here looking for her, they would be watching her right now. Katya felt the reassuring weight of her guns at her side. She didn't want to lead them back to Trajan's, so she began to walk calmly along the street.

A few moments later, as she passed a Sacré Coeur souvenir shop, she risked a glance over her shoulder. Two men were following her.

That's justgreat.Sometimes, Katya hated being right. Their eyes caught the light of the shop fronts, and for a second, they flashed gold like an animal’s.Monsters, not humans.

Katya steadied her breathing to keep herself from bolting and giving the game away.

Anya!She reached out telepathically, trying to link with her mind.